This is a combine of ROS packages about Raven II surgical robot. Todo: more description
A lab projcet of the surgical robots -- Raven II. Autonomous agent for picking up an object and transferring it to a container. A gazebo simulator. This pipeline works without the real robot device. Moveit! is used.
for image processing
for analysis of point cloud data from a 3D camera
gazebo simulator extended from the raven_ros_gazebo. Two arms are included. Jennifer grasp fix is used to increase the grasping success rate. A virtual camera is added.
gazebo simulator from UW with only one arm PID controller is used to control the robot. Some code of inverse kinematics of the UW r2_control code is included to realize Cartesian space control.
The gazebo simulator Robort worked on. The code of this version does not consider the PID control of each joint. The code absolutely set the status of the robot.
The UW r2_control code
for pose estimation of object, instrment graspers and their relations.
functions for zed camera