- Rename project - it is now more general than the original name of
- Add unit tests for IORedisLoader and MongoLoader
This library provides a class for building objects that load their data from a URL (or other sources) and periodically refresh the data. For a complete example on using this library, see: uberether-jwk
Methods are based on Bluebird promises. If you require callbacks, you can use the Bluebird nodeify method. For example: foo.somethingTharReturnsPromise().nodeify(callback);
HTTP requests are handled by request. You can control HTTP options via request or requestDefaults in the constructor options.
The library is based on loader classes which provide the following methods:
- A
method which returns a bluebird promise that resolves to the processed data- If check is not truthy, then the class may return cached data
- If check is truthy, then the class should check and update cached data
- A
method to force any cached data to be cleared
The following types of loaders are provided:
which always returns the object passed into the constructorFileLoader
which loads data from a file. A processor method may be provided to transform the data. The class will establish a file monitor to invalidate the cached data if the file is modified.UrlLoader
which loads data from a URL. A processor method may be provided to transform the data. The class will track the etag and last-modified result headers and conditionally load updates when checking.CachedLoader
which tracks when the objects were last checked for updates and will conditionally request checks automatically. This class also prevents multiple concurrent load requests from being executed and rate limits the check requests. This class does not directly load data - a loader of another type must be provided in the constructor.- Expieremental loaders for MongoDB (
) and IORedis (IORedisLoader
) are included. These are not fully tested and do not monitor the databases for changes, but can be useful when combined with theCachedLoader
class and provide further examples. - You are welcome to use your own objects also - just ensure you implement loadAsync and reset in a compatible manner.
In general, it is expected that most applications will instantiate a CachedLoader
wrapping another loader.
var Loaders = require("auto-refresh-from-url");
var urlLoader = new Loaders.UrlLoader("https://google.com");
var cachedLoader = new Loaders.CachedLoader(urlLoader);
cachedLoader.loadAsync().then(funciton(val) { console.log("%j", val.payload); });
Class that "loads" static values
Instaniates a new StaticLoader that always returns value
Returns a promise which resolves to an object with 2 properties:
- payload: The value passed into the constructor
- loaded: Always false
No-op method for compatiblity with the loader signature
Class that loads values from a file. A file monitor may be established by default to monitor for changes.
Constructs a new loader for the specified file.
Options allowed are:
- doNotMonitor: Do not establish a monitor for the file. The file will be reloaded on initial request or if check is specified on loadAsync.
- processor: A function that takes the loaded value and returns the value to return from loadAsync OR a promise for said value
- default: A value to return if the file is missing. This value is NOT passed to the processor. If not set, then errors will be thrown if the file is not found.
- readOpts: The options to pass to readFile - defaults to
{ encoding: "utf8", flag: "r" }
Returns a promise which resolves to an object with 2 properties:
- payload: The value loaded and transformed by the processor option
- loaded: True if new data was loaded, false if cached values were used
New data is loaded if it was never loaded, has been reset, or if the file changed.
Resets all cached data in the loader, forcing a reload of the file on the next loadAsync request.
Note that if a load is in-progress when reset() is called, the load already in progress will be retained.
Class that loads values using HTTP/HTTPS. When checking for changes, etags and last-modified headers may be used.
The copy of request used by the URL loader (if not overridden in options)
Constructs a new loader for the specified url.
Options allowed are:
- request: A pre-configured copy of request for making loads from. If not specified, UrlLoader.request will be used.
- requestDefaults: IF options.request was not specified, then these options will be used as defaults in the request call. NOT USED if options.request is specified. Default is
{ json: true, method: "GET" }
- ignoreEtag: If true, then etag headers are ignored and not used when checking for modified content
- ignoreLastModified: If true, then last-modified headers are ignored and not used when checking for modified content
- allowedResultCodes: Array of result codes considered to be a success. Default is
. - processor: A function that takes the loaded value and returns the value to return from loadAsync OR a promise for said value
Returns a promise which resolves to an object with 2 properties:
- payload: The value loaded and transformed by the processor option
- loaded: True if new data was loaded, false if cached values were used
The URL is checked if data has never been loaded, check is true, or if the loader was reset.
Resets all cached data in the loader, forcing a reload of the data on the next loadAsync request.
Note that if a load is in-progress when reset() is called, the load already in progress will be retained.
This is a wrapper loader to apply dynamic cache refreshing to a child loader. It provides the following:
- Assurance that only one low-level load is outstanding at a time
- Minimum time between checks for updates
- Automatic background refresh after a certain time
- Expiration of cached data after a certain time
Constructs a new cached loader that uses childLoader for low-level loading. Options allowed are:
- doNotCheckDuration: Minimum duration allowed between checking for updates. May be milliseconds or an ms library compatible string. Default is:
. - refreshDuration: Time period after which a load will trigger a background check of cached data. May be milliseconds or an ms library compatible string. Default is:
. - expireDuration: Time period after which the cache will be cleared to force an update of the data. May be milliseconds or an ms library compatible string. Default is:
. - console: Where to log background loading errors. Must be a console compatible object. Default is the JS console object.
Returns a promise which resolves to an object with 2 properties:
- payload: The value loaded and transformed by the processor option
- loaded: True if new data was loaded, false if cached values were used
Resets all cached data and timers.
If an error occurs in the background refresh, this event is emitted with the error as the argument. If there are NO listeners to this event, then an error is logged using options.console.warn
Runs a query against Mongo and uses the results. If you do not require the entire query result from Mongo, you must use a processor to further project your data.
A field to monitor for changes (typically an updated date or version number) may be specified to prevent unnecessary processing.
No active monitoring for DB changes is done. If you require active monitoring, establish replication log listeners and call reset() when this key is modified. In most cases, using the modFieldCheck with a CachedLoader and short refresh timeouts is sufficient (although not realtime).
- collection: A MongoDB native driver collection object to load from
- query: A MongoDB query to run - typically
{ _id: ObjectId("XXXXX") }
- projection: A MongoDB projection to use for the query
Options used are:
- modCheckField: A field to compare on checks - if the field is the same, then the record is considered unmodified
- queryOptions: Options hash to pass into the query
- default: A value to return if the query returns no results. This value is NOT passed to the processor. If not set, then errors will be thrown.
- processor: A function that takes the loaded value and returns the value to return from loadAsync OR a promise for said value
Returns a promise which resolves to an object with 2 properties:
- payload: The value loaded and transformed by the processor option
- loaded: True if new data was loaded, false if cached values were used
Resets all cached data, forcing a reload of data on the next request.
Loads a key from Redis and uses the results. The raw redis result is used. If you must process the result (such as via JSON.parse
) then you must specify a processor.
No active monitoring for changes is done. If you require active monitoring, establish it in your existing pub/sub channels and call reset() when this key is modified. In many cases, using with a CachedLoader and a short refresh timeout is sufficient (although each refresh will appear as a new record)
- ioredis: An IORedis instance to use for querying
- key: Key to read from Redis
Options used are:
- default: A value to return if the query returns no results. This value is NOT passed to the processor. If not set, then errors will be thrown.
- processor: A function that takes the loaded value and returns the value to return from loadAsync OR a promise for said value
Returns a promise which resolves to an object with 2 properties:
- payload: The value loaded and transformed by the processor option
- loaded: True if new data was loaded, false if cached values were used
Resets all cached data, forcing a reload of data on the next request.
Any PRs are welcome but please stick to following the general style of the code and stick to CoffeeScript. I know the opinions on CoffeeScript are...highly varied...I will not go into this debate here - this project is currently written in CoffeeScript and I ask you maintain that for any PRs.