Lots of new and updated translations from the wonderful translations team. Congrats all
Better place windows in rows and columns across multi-monitors
DragSnap - quarter, half tiling with previews when dragging to edges
DragSnap - Revamped Window Shuffler Control window with new DragSnap options and
DragSnap - tiling snap also takes into account Control and Alt keys to
tile 2/5 and 3/5 of the screen
Integration with Shuffler to ensure dragging windows work correctly when hotcorners
is enabled
Hotcorner settings is now a separate application accessible from the applet settings
as well as the menu.
Hotcorners similar to DragSnap can now be executed by both corners and center edge
brand new icons to work with both light and dark themes
city search now matches locale characters to make it easier finding towns & cities
e.g. so ç matches searches with c
ShowTime, Weather do not disappear on first logon
DropBy - popup always appears on click
Previews - reworked due to Gtk/Glib changes upstream that broken randomly window screenshot snaps.