Kunlun is to tool for deploying and managing common OSS based workloads on Azure. Using Kunlun allows users with no familiarity with Azure to deploy Java and LAMP applications in an optimized way.
go get github.com/Microsoft/kunlun/cmd/kl
Now you will have a kl
command. To validate the install run:
kl help
If you get a No command 'kl' found
error then you like neglected to
add your $GOPATH/bin to the path when installing Go.
export PATH=$PATH:$GOTPATH/bin
If you hit the error undefined: strings.Builder
, please upgrade your
Go to version 1.10
or later.
Install Go version
or later -
Install Terraform
- Note that you need to ensure that the terraform binary is on your path
Install Ansible
Install Azure CLI
az login
If you have more than one subscription you should check you have the right one activated with
az account show
. If necessary change it with az account set --subscription ...
, you can
view your avilable subscriptions with az account list
Once you are sure you are using the correct subscription place it's ID in an environment variable, while we are at it we'll grab the Tenant ID too:
export KL_AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --output tsv --query id)
export KL_AZURE_TENANT_ID="$(az account show --output tsv --query tenantId)"
If you don't already have a service principal for Kunlun we need to create one now. If you have already created one you simply need to grab its client id, see the last command in this section.
To create/use a service principal for Kunlun to use to manage your resources we will first capture some important values in environment variables. First we need a name for the service principle. The below command generates a name that includes a UUID, you may choose to provide a more memorable name:
export KL_AZURE_APP_NAME=kunlun-$(uuidgen)
For convenience for this tutorial ONLY we'll store the client secret in an environment variable. Obviously you don't want to do this in the real world.
export KL_AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=password
Now we are ready to create the service principal:
az ad sp create-for-rbac --name $KL_AZURE_APP_NAME --password $KL_AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET
For convenience we will store the Client ID in an environment variable:
export KL_AZURE_CLIENT_ID="$(az ad sp show --id http://$KL_AZURE_APP_NAME --output tsv --query appId)"
It is also useful to set a few other convenience environment variables:
export KL_IAAS=azure
export KL_AZURE_REGION=southcentralus
At this point you should have a set of environment variables that will be used to make Kunlun use easier. To view the current setup use:
env | grep '^KL_'
This will give you an output something like:
Change into your project working directory. For our demo we will create a new project directory and fetch the kunlun tool
mkdir kunlun-test
cd kunlun-test
go get github.com/kunlun/kun-lun
cd go/src/github.com/kun-lun/kunlun/cmd/kl
And now we will analyze the application under consideration in order to select the correct infrastructure.
kl analyze
This will ask a number of questions, and for the most part you can safely use the defaults. You will, however, need to provide a resource group name. This is the name of the Azure Resource Group into which Kunlun will place all created resources (e.g. virtual machines, networks, storage). The resource group name must be unique to your subscription.
When asked for your application code you should provide a public Git repository. For your convenience we provide a couple of simple sample applications:
PHP : https://github.com/kun-lun/2048php.git Java : https://github.com/kun-lun/2048java.git
You will get one folder called artifacts
in your working dir. With
a main.yml
file and one patches
folder. The format of these outputs
is unique to Kunlun and, for the most part you will not work with them.
However, they are provided so that advanced users have a significant
amount of control over their deployed resources. See the 'Advanced
Users' section for more information.
Now we need to convert this Kunlun spec into something that can be
used to deploy the infrastructure required. The plan_infra
will do this:
kl plan_infra
The outputs of this command are Terraform templates, which can be
found in the infra
folder. If the generated Terraform output is not
sufficient for your needs you can customize the plan. Please refer to the
'Advanced Users' section below.
Now it is time to deploy the infrastructure required for your application. This can be done with:
kl apply_infra
This command creates an outputs.yml
in the artifacts/patches
folder. This contains contents
such as:
- type: replace
path: /vm_groups/name=jumpbox/networks/0/outputs?
- public_ip:
- type: replace
path: /vm_groups/name=web-servers/networks/0/outputs?
- ip:
[FIXME: what does this next sentence mean?] This file will be applied to the original artifact, and then our deployment component would digest and produce the deployment script, now, in ansible.
We can now plan our software deployment to this infrastructure:
kl plan_deployment
After running this command you will see a folder called deployments
. This folder contains
the ansible deployment scripts for your application. If this doesn't look like it covers your
requirements you can customize it. See the 'Advanced Users' section below.
Run kl apply_deployment
to do the real deployment.
Kunlun is designed to be very flexible. As such it provides a number of ways advanced users can tune it for their specific purposes.
The analyze
command outputs a main.yml
file that contains a description
of the system that will be deployed. If you think the infrastrcuture selected
for your application does not meet your requirements, you can create a
patch file under the patches
folder to change the final configuration:
- type: replace
path: /vm_groups/name=jumpbox/sku
value: Standard_DS2_v2
- type: replace
path: /vm_groups/name=web-servers/sku
value: Standard_DS2_v2
The plan_infra
command creates Terraform templates to deploy the actual
resources. If you want to setup some additional resources, you can add
additional Terraform files in the infra
The plan_deployment
command attempts to build Ansible deployments for your
software code. If you think our built-in artifacts do not meet your requirements,
you can create a patch file to add more roles into the artifact and run
kl plan_deployment
again. For example, you might want to add a firewall
- type: replace
path: /vm_groups/name=web-servers/roles/-
name: geerlingguy.firewall
Run kl ssh -group <YOUR VM GROUP NAME> -index <YOUR NODE INDEX>
to ssh into your vm instance in one group.