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The OmiKit pod exposes the OMICALL library as Cocoapod.

The most important part of the framework is :

  • Help to easy integrate with Omicall.
  • Easy custom Call UI/UX.
  • Support call Audio and Videos call.
  • By default they are included for all iOS architectures
  • Optimize codec voip for you
  • Full inteface to interactive with core function like sound/ringtone/codec.


Currently active maintained



Install via CocoaPods:

platform :ios, '13.0'
pod 'OmiKit'

Install via Github:

platform :ios, '13.0'
pod 'OmiKit', :git => ''


Setting up

Step 1: Setting Push notification:

Step 2: Setting AppDelegate

- Setting Enviroment : it will effect key push notification setting in web base at step 1
- Inject Callkit Provider Delegate
- Inject Voip Push notification listener interace
- Setting Push notification APNS for normal push notification ( we using it in case call cancel from another party)  

Sample Code:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

    /* Initialize environment
#ifdef DEBUG
    * setEnviroment: Sets the execution environment of the client (Dev/Production) which includes predefined enums by OMI: KEY_OMI_APP_ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX (for Dev), KEY_OMI_APP_ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION (for Production)
    * userNameKey: API Key provided by OMI
    * maxCall: The number of simultaneous calls at one time. Currently, OMICALL only supports 1 call at a time.
    * callKitImage: The representative image of the client displayed in the iOS CallKit UI
    * typePushVoip: The default value is "background"
    * representName: This value is optional (if not used, do not pass this argument). It is used when the client wants to display their business's representative name for all incoming calls.
#ifdef DEBUG
      [OmiClient setEnviroment:KEY_OMI_APP_ENVIROMENT_SANDBOX userNameKey:@"full_name" maxCall:1 callKitImage:@"icYourApp" typePushVoip:@"background"];
       [OmiClient setEnviroment:KEY_OMI_APP_ENVIROMENT_PRODUCTION userNameKey:@"full_name" maxCall:1 callKitImage:@"icYourApp" typePushVoip:@"background"];

    * This function is important because we need to clearly know your PROJECT_ID to push the call
    [OmiClient setFcmProjectId:@YOUR_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID];

    /* Proceed with configuring VOIP call
    provider = [[CallKitProviderDelegate alloc] initWithCallManager: [OMISIPLib sharedInstance].callManager ];
    voipRegistry = [[PKPushRegistry alloc] initWithQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
    pushkitManager = [[PushKitManager alloc] initWithVoipRegistry:voipRegistry];
    [self requestPushNotificationPermissions];

    /* We provide 5 levels for clients to log necessary call information with the following values:
    *    1 - OMILogVerbose
    *    1 - OMILogDebug
    *    1 - OMILogInfo
    *    1 - OMILogWarning
    *    1 - OMILogError
    [OmiClient setLogLevel:5];
    return YES;

  /* Proceed to request device notification permissions. If denied, OMICall will not be able to push calls to you
- (void)requestPushNotificationPermissions
    UNUserNotificationCenter *center = [UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter];
    center.delegate = self;  
    [center getNotificationSettingsWithCompletionHandler:^(UNNotificationSettings * _Nonnull settings) {
        switch (settings.authorizationStatus)
            case UNAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
            case UNAuthorizationStatusAuthorized:
                [center requestAuthorizationWithOptions:(UNAuthorizationOptionSound | UNAuthorizationOptionAlert | UNAuthorizationOptionBadge)
                                      completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError * _Nullable error) {
                    if (granted) {
                        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                            [[UIApplication sharedApplication] registerForRemoteNotifications];
                    } else {
                        if (error) {
                            NSLog(@"Error requesting notification authorization: %@", error.localizedDescription);

/* Receive the device Token and convert it to hex format to store the token for Push Call
*/- (void)application:(UIApplication*)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData*)devToken
    // parse token bytes to string
    const char *data = [devToken bytes];
    NSMutableString *token = [NSMutableString string];
    for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [devToken length]; i++)
        [token appendFormat:@"%02.2hhX", data[i]];
    [OmiClient setUserPushNotificationToken:[token copy]];

/* This function is important because it will terminate all ongoing calls when the user kills the app with the OMI system.
- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application {
    [OmiClient OMICloseCall];

Step 3 Setting up Application

Include the library

#import <OmiKit/OmiKit-umbrella.h>

Currently we provide 2 way for init user extension for call

  1. Init with username/password/real info:
  • This function is used for the purpose of: Employees making outgoing calls to other telecom numbers, internal numbers, and external numbers.
  • The values MY_USERNAME, MY_PASSWORD, MY_REALM, and PROXY are obtained through the OMICall API.
[OmiClient initWithUsername:MY_USERNAME password:MY_PASSWORD realm:MY_REALM, proxy:PROXY];
  1. Init with Apikey ( For get APIKey please contact sale admin/ customer services)
  • This function is used when the client wants the user to call their call center number and interact with the call center number (When using this function, the user will not be able to call other telecom numbers or internal numbers).
  • Parameters:
    • YOUR_ID, YOUR_NAME are arbitrary values you assign to your user, with YOUR_ID used to identify the customer.
    • OMI_API_KEY is the value provided by OMI.
 [OmiClient initWithUUID:YOUR_ID fullName:YOUR_NAME apiKey:OMI_API_KEY];

To make call to Number (Phone or Agent number) We provide 2 way to make call

  1. Start call to real number or Extension:
    • Used to initiate a call to any number.
    • isVideo: Boolean to determine whether it’s a regular call or a video call.
    • result: A callback function that returns the value of OMIStartCallStatus after attempting the call.
Value Mean
OMIInvalidUuid UUID not found when starting a call with UUID.
OMIInvalidPhoneNumber The phone number for the outgoing call is empty.
OMISamePhoneNumber The outgoing phone number is the same as the logged-in user’s number
OMIMaxRetry Exceeded the maximum number of registration attempts with the server
OMIPermissionDenied Microphone permissions have not been granted.
OMICouldNotFindEndpoint Unable to find the endpoint; possible account registration error.
OMIAccountRegisterFailed Failed to register the session with the server.
OMIStartCallFailed Failed to initiate the call.
OMIStartCallSuccess The call was successfully initiated.
OMIHaveAnotherCall Another ongoing call has not ended.
OMIAccountTurnOffNumberInternal The account is disabled by the business owner.
BOOL result = [OmiClient startCall:PHONE_NUMBER isVideo:FALSE result:^(OMIStartCallStatus status){
       // check status here
  1. Start call with uuid of user and apikey
  • Used in cases where you have previously identified each customer with a UUID and now make a call based on that ID.
   [OmiClient startCallWithUuid:(NSString * _Nonnull) toUuid isVideo: (BOOL) isVideo result: (void (^)(OMIStartCallStatus status)) completion {
           // check status here

Notification callback

Call notification:

1. To listen event of Call we setting notification:

  • Used to listen for calls throughout the calling process or when there is an incoming call.
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(callStateChanged:) name:OMICallStateChangedNotification object:nil];

Declare function Listen event Call State to know when call confirm or invite state: Notification key: OMICallStateChangedNotification


- (void)callStateChanged: (NSNotification *)notification {
   __weak typeof(self)weakSelf = self;
   dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
       __weak  OMICall *call = [[notification userInfo] objectForKey:OMINotificationUserInfoCallKey];
           case OMICallStateEarly:
               OMILogDebug(@"callStateChanged OMICallStateEarly : %@", call.uuid.UUIDString);
           case OMICallStateCalling:
               OMILogDebug(@"callStateChanged OMICallStateCalling : %@", call.uuid.UUIDString);
           case OMICallStateIncoming:{
               OMILogDebug(@"callStateChanged OMICallStateIncoming : %@", call.uuid.UUIDString);
           case OMICallStateConnecting:
               OMILogDebug(@"callStateChanged OMICallStateConnecting : %@", call.uuid.UUIDString);
           case OMICallStateConfirmed:{
               OMILogDebug(@"callStateChanged OMICallStateConfirmed : %@", call.uuid.UUIDString);
           case OMICallStateDisconnected:
               OMILogDebug(@"callStateChanged OMICallStateDisconnected : %@", call.uuid.UUIDString);
  • Flow and values of OMICallState
    • Incoming call state lifecycle: incoming -> connecting -> confirmed -> disconnected
    • Outgoing call state lifecycle: calling -> early -> connecting -> confirmed -> disconnected​⬤
Value Mean
OMICallStateNull Before INVITE is sent or received
OMICallStateCalling After INVITE is sent
OMICallStateIncoming After INVITE is received
OMICallStateEarly After response with To tag.
OMICallStateConnecting After 2xx is sent/received.
OMICallStateConfirmed After ACK is sent/received.
OMICallStateDisconnected Session is terminated.
OMICallStateHold User toggle hold
OMICallStateDisconnecting Call being request disconnect

2. Used to listen for when a call is terminated.

  • Used to listen for the event when a call is terminated.​
   [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(callDealloc:) name:OMICallDealloc object:nil];


- (void)callDealloc:(NSNotification *)notification {
   OMIEndCause *endCause = (OMIEndCause *)[[notification userInfo] valueForKey:OMINotificationEndCauseKey];
   OMICall *call = [OMISIPLib.sharedInstance getCurrentConfirmCall];
   if (call != nil && [call.uuid isEqual:self.callId]) {
       dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
           // Perform actions related to UI or logic when the call is terminated.
  • EndCause values:
EndCause Mean
600, 503, 480 These are the codes of the network operator or the user who did not answer the call
408 Call request timeout (Each call usually has a waiting time of 30 seconds. If the 30 seconds expire, it will time out)
403 Your service plan only allows calls to dialed numbers. Please upgrade your service pack
404 The current number is not allowed to make calls to the carrier
603 The call was rejected. Please check your account limit or call barring configuration!
850 Simultaneous call limit exceeded, please try again later
486 The listener refuses the call and does not answer
601 Call ended by the customer
602 Call ended by the other employee
603 The call was rejected. Please check your account limit or call barring configuration
850 Simultaneous call limit exceeded, please try again later
851 Call duration limit exceeded, please try again later
852 Service package not assigned, please contact the provider
853 Internal number has been disabled
854 Subscriber is in the DNC list
855 Exceeded the allowed number of calls for the trial package
856 Exceeded the allowed minutes for the trial package
857 Subscriber has been blocked in the configuration
858 Unidentified or unconfigured number
859 No available numbers for Viettel direction, please contact the provider
860 No available numbers for VinaPhone direction, please contact the provider
861 No available numbers for Mobifone direction, please contact the provider
862 Temporary block on Viettel direction, please try again
863 Temporary block on VinaPhone direction, please try again
864 Temporary block on Mobifone direction, please try again
865 he advertising number is currently outside the permitted calling hours, please try again later

3. Listen event Media event:

Notification key: OMICallMediaStateChangedNotification Example:

- (void)callMediaStateChanged: (NSNotification *)notification {
    __weak typeof(self)weakSelf = self;
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        OMICallMediaState mediaState = (OMICallMediaState)[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:OMINotificationUserInfoCallMediaStateKey];
            case OMICallStateMuted:
                OMILogDebug(@"OMICallMediaState OMICallStateMuted");
            case OMICallStateToggleSpeaker:
                OMILogDebug(@"OMICallMediaState OMICallStateToggleSpeaker");
            case OMICallStatePermissionCameraDenied:
                OMILogDebug(@"OMICallMediaState OMICallStateToggleSpeaker");
            case OMICallStatePermissionMicrophoneDenied:
                OMILogDebug(@"OMICallMediaState OMICallStateToggleSpeaker");

Additionally, there are other events such as:

  • NSNotification.Name.OMICallMediaStateChangedNotification: Audio changed.
  • NSNotification.Name.OMICallMediaStateChangedNotification: Audio changed.
  • NSNotification.Name.OMICallInComingNotification: When have new incomming call.
  • NSNotification.Name.OMICallSwitchBoardAnswerNotification: Switchboard sip is listening.
  • NSNotification.Name.OMICallNetworkQuality: The calling quality.

4. Listen event call misscall:

[Omiclient setMissedCallBlock:^(OMICall * _Nonnull __weak call) {

5. Listen the Video call state

when event come we need to re-render video screen Detail sample project can view here:

### Listen: 
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(videoNotification:) name:OMICallVideoInfoNotification object:nil];
### Process: 
    -(void) videoNotification:(NSNotification *) noti {
        NSDictionary *dic = [noti userInfo];
        NSNumber * state = [dic valueForKey:OMIVideoInfoState];
        switch([state intValue]){
            case OMIVideoRemoteReady:{
                [self startPreview];
### Show Video Preview:
    - (void)startPreview {
        __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
        if(!_remoteVideoRenderView || !_localVideoRenderView) return;
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                weakSelf.remoteVideoRenderView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;
                [weakSelf.remoteVideoRenderView setView:[self.videoManager createViewForVideoRemote:weakSelf.remoteVideoRenderView.frame]];
                weakSelf.localVideoRenderView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;
                [weakSelf.localVideoRenderView setView:[self.videoManager createViewForVideoLocal:weakSelf.localVideoRenderView.frame]];

6. Listen the network health for update UI instruction for user

The information we calculator on MOS score and device 3 level bellow

    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(updateNetworkHealth:) name:OMICallNetworkQualityNotification object:nil];
    -(void) updateNetworkHealth:(NSNotification *) noti {
        NSDictionary *dic = [noti userInfo];
        NSNumber * state = [dic valueForKey:OMINotificationNetworkStatusKey];
        switch([state intValue]){
            case OMINetworkGood:{
                [self.networkStatus setImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @"network_best"]];
            case OMINetworkMedium:{
                [self.networkStatus setImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @"network_medium"]];
            case OMINetworkBad:{
                [self.networkStatus setImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @"network_bad"]];

Using noise cancel( Perfomance slow when lower phone)

[OmiClient setNoiseSuppression:true];

Get in touch with a developer

We will be happy to answer your other questions at {[email protected]}


OmiKit is Right reversed by VIHATGROUP.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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