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FS4R - File System for Remote access

A DSR practise project.


This project is a server application that provides file system and operations over it. Basically its RMCD (Read, Move, Copy, Delete) service for files and directories.


Project is separated on core and service modules:

  • core - implements main operations over paths (files and directories). Additional feature is ConcurrentIo that provides interaction with program-wide concurrency.
  • service - spring based RESTlike service. Extends core module with virtual_fs package provides encapsulation of server file system via publish specific paths.

How to start

  1. Clone project code sources into some directory (for example let it be your_fs4r_dir).
  2. Open your_fs4r_dir as gradle based project in your favorite IDE.
  3. Verify code by running gradle check task. Alternatively you can achieve it by running test task from your_fs4r_dir/build.gradle.


Bootable Jar

  1. Run bootJar task from your_fs4r_dir/service/build.gradle.
  2. Built jar file is stored in your_fs4r_dir/service/build/libs directory with name like fs4r-service-[VERSION].jar
  3. Run it with command java -jar fs4r-service-[VERSION].jar. Append it with required arguments like path to resources or active profiles.

Run docker container from GitHub Container registry

Run 'docker pull[VERSION]. Checkout repository for version, use latest for lattest stable.

Build your own docker container

  1. To create Docker image run docker build . command in your_fs4r_dir directory. Image name is fs4r-service.
  2. Run image with command docker run -p [PORT]:8080 fs4r-service. Append it with required arguments after keyword ARG.

Run configuration

Run Profiles

You may specify service behavior with profiles, pass them as property:

  • concurrent-sessions - enables extended concurrency support with stamp based locks. Read more in [Concurrency support](#Concurrency support) section.

Application properties

Service supports Spring properties (server.port, logging.level, etc.).

Service specific application properties

  • fs4r.publish-dirs - service publish paths. If passed more than one path, service creates virtual root directory that wraps published files.
  • fs4r.web.allowed-origins - specifies origins allowed interacting with service. CORS
  • fs4r.load-files-size-limit - specifies file size limit (in bytes) for loading via /main/load/** endpoint
  • - specifies password for user with READ authority. (default: {bcrypt}$2y$12$4z8y0T6R.5aYu7HpqzPkE.pQF9twkbeSHnY5UoOEDMtKCbh0KPJ4q ~ 123)
  • - specifies password for user with READ/WRITE authorities. (default: {bcrypt}$2y$12$5GBgieTpZsK5ASKWSlS9T.ef0ZdUlR6mLv0aRZSobQ.FtsmdwVyCa ~ 321)

Concurrency support

Service provides two levels of concurrency:

  1. [Thread level](#Threads concurrency support) - is activated in any case without being tied to a configuration.
  2. [Request level](#Sessions concurrency support) - is activated by profile concurrent-sessions.

Threads concurrency support

Basic concurrency support. When some thread tries to operate over real path, it requests read/write lock on that path.

Sessions concurrency support

Extended concurrency support. Is enabled with profile concurrent-sessions, and provides concurrency support for request/sessions via stamp based locks on virtual paths.
When user wants to guard some virtual paths, it requests exclusive/concurrent lock over that paths. Exclusive lock guarantees that no other user will be allowed to read and modify target path. Concurrent lock allows other user to read target path and request concurrent lock on it, but prevents exclusive locking and modifying.


  • Valentine Mazurov - code, bugs, etc
  • Александр Мартынов - DSR practice mentor