A password Generator for Gnome Extension Argos
The generated password contains à least on character of category selected. The program generate password by random access At the end the password is shuffled. Each time the passwod is selected (clic), it is copied in clipboard and a new one is generated.
This repository has only one file: PwdGen.sh . This file must be installed in standard Argos folder: $HOME/.config/argos with correct righs: chmod +x PwdGen.sh
The parameters are in mais file:
- choose the kind of characters acceptedin generated password with the booleans
- choose the length of generated password
Standard Emojs could be find in this Gnome extension: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1162/emoji-selector/ Standard icons could be find in terminal command: gtk3-icon-browser Exemples of programming are found in wiki Argos --> https://github.com/p-e-w/argos/wiki