Using logic-less templates.
# install Node Version Manager
wget -qO- | bash
# install Node 8
nvm install 8
# clone this repo
git clone
# enter project's folder
cd varnalab-static
# install deps
npm install
# create config.json
cp config.json.example config.json
# make changes to config.json with your favorite editor
$EDITOR config.json
# render in the current folder
node bin/ --config config.json --env minimum-render-config-on-localhost --render ./build/
# serve the static files using NodeJS
node bin/ --config config.json --env minimum-server-config-on-localhost --server ./build/
# navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your favorite browser
"production": {
"url": {
"scheme": "https",
"host": "",
"path": "",
"api": ""
"server": {
"assets": "/home/varnalab/projects/varnalab-static",
"port": 5050
"fs": {
"articles": "/path/to/articles.json",
"events": "/path/to/events.json",
"members": "/path/to/users.json",
"cashbox": "/path/to/invbg.json"
"git": {
"repo": "/home/s/projects/varnalab-static",
"remote": "varnalab",
"branch": "master",
"secret": "..."
(required)- used to generate relative paths for the templates
- used to generate absolute paths for server-side meta tag rendering
- the api endpoint is used for rendering when the
key is not present, and inside the whois widget
(optional)- used by the built-in static nodejs server
- otherwise use the nginx config below to serve the static content
(optional)- used to load the dynamic data locally. Renders only when any of the files is modified in the last 10mins. Use the
flag to force the render. - otherwise falls back to making HTTP requests to the varnalab-api
- used to load the dynamic data locally. Renders only when any of the files is modified in the last 10mins. Use the
(optional)- githook configuration for the varnalab-static repo
- used only in production
node varnalab-static/bin/ \
--config /path/to/config.json \
--env production \
--render /path/to/build/location/
node varnalab-static/bin/ \
--config /path/to/config.json \
--env production \
--server /path/to/build/location/
location ~ /api/?(.*)/? {
set $endpoint $1;
location ~ /(css|js|images)/(.*) {
root /home/varnalab/projects/varnalab-static;
try_files /$1/$2 =404;
root /home/varnalab/config/varnalab-static;
location ~ /about {
try_files /build/about.html =404;
location ~ /events/(\d+) {
try_files /build/events/$1.html =404;
location ~ /events {
try_files /build/events.html =404;
location ~ /blogs/(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(.+) {
try_files /build/articles/$4.html =404;
location ~ /blogs {
try_files /build/articles.html =404;
location ~ /members {
try_files /build/members.html =404;
location ~ /links {
try_files /build/links.html =404;
location ~ /contacts {
try_files /build/contacts.html =404;
location ~ /finance {
try_files /build/finance.html =404;
location ~ /donate {
try_files /build/donate.html =404;
location ~ / {
try_files /build/home.html =404;