// Init a project with Node.js
npm init - y
npm run start
npm run dev
- Nodemon (Automatic update)
- Standard (Eslint)
- Jest (Testing) --verbose --silent: what you get from console.log will not be returned by the console --detectOpenHandles - There is something that we are not closing Package JSON: "test:watch": "npm run test -- --watch" guion guion empty is refer to test: --verbose--silent
- Supertest (Endpoint testing with jest)
- Cors (Any origin works in our API)
- Express
- Mongoose (schemas)
- dotenv (get the .env file working with environment variables)
- bcrypt (Hash our password) node.bcrypt.js
- mongoose-unique-validator (Validate unique values)
- JWT (Jason Web Tokens)
https://sentry.io/ : Sentry's application monitoring platform helps every developer diagnose, fix, and optimize the performance of their code.
- Jest
create_user.rest - Create an user login_user.rest - Get JWT create_note.rest - Create a note with Authorization: Bearer