A kotlin multiplatform project template.
To run the desktop sample application run the gradle command:
./gradlew :app-desktop:run
// ToDo
- Koin - Kotlin dependency injection library with multiplatform support.
- Jetpack Compose - Modern toolkit for building native UI.
- Coil - An image loading library for Android backed by kotlin coroutines.
- KtLint - This plugin creates convenient tasks in your Gradle project that run ktlint checks or do code auto format.
- Detekt - A static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language.
- Gradle Versions Plugin - This plugin provides a task to determine which dependencies have updates.
- Notflix - An android and desktop app built using Kotlin Multiplatforom that consumes TMDB API to display current trending, upcoming and popular movies🍿 and tvshows🎬.
- Official intro to Kotlin Multiplatform
- Migrating to Kotlin DSL medium article by Chepsi.
- Make your Android application work on iOStutorial.
- CocoaPods overview and setup tutorial.
- Creating a cross-platform mobile applicationofficial tutorial by the Ktor team.
- Using Koin in a Kotlin Multiplatform Project article by John O'Reilly.
- GitHub README on creating compose multiplatform desktop application
- GitHub Repository Template showcasing how to setup a gradle plugins by Harun Wangereka.
- Official SQLDelight KMP Documentation on getting started with SQLDelight.
- Getting started with Compose Multiplatform.
- Developing UI: Compose Multiplatform article by Raywenderlich.
- Wrapping Kotlin Flow with Swift Combine Publisher in a Kotlin Multiplatform project by John O'Reilly.
- T-shaping for iOS Developers with Kotlin Multiplatform in 4 hours! .
- Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile: what is it and when should you use it? blog post.
- Introduction to Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile - Getting Started article.
- Update README
- Create sample projects - Work In Progress