ReactJS bindings for easy integration with Halter router.
yarn add react-halter
The RouterView
component lifecycle will determine what routes should be inside the given Router
instance using the input routes
. When RouterView
is mounted it'll initialize the router instance and when it gets unmounted it'll clear all the routes and so forth
import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';
import { RouterView } from 'react-halter';
import { Router } from 'halter';
import Login from './components/login/login';
import NavigationBar from './components/navigation-bar/navigation-bar';
import BackendAPI from './services/backend-api';
function Post({ location: { params } }) {
const postId = params.get('id');
if(!postId) {
return null;
return (
function HomeWrapper({ children }){
return (
const rules = {
isAuthenticated: async function(match, replaceState, pushState) {
if(await BackendAPI.isAuthenticated()){
return true;
isGuest: async function(match, replaceState, pushState) {
if(await BackendAPI.isAuthenticated()){
return true;
const routes = [{
path: '/',
name: 'app',
component: HomeWrapper,
childRoutes: [{
name: 'post',
path: 'posts/{id:[A-z0-9]+}',
component: Post
}, {
path: 'login',
name: 'login',
component: Login,
onBefore: rules.isAuthenticated
}, {
name: 'dashboard',
path: '/dashboard',
component: Dashboard,
onBefore: rules.isGuest
<h1>My first app</h1>
router={new Router(createBrowserHistory())}
routes={routes} />
</div>, document.getElementById('app'));