Tech Stack
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UI Examples
This is a very basic CRUD todo-list fullstack application. It's a part of my "One App Multi-stacks" series. This version is created with REACTJS (frontend), NodeJS, GraphQL & Apollo-Server (backend), PostgreSQL (database).
The purpose of the project is practicing my fullstack development skill and the technology.
For simplicity's sake, there is no user feature in the app.
- Create/Read/Update/Delete todos (priority, deadline, description)
- Create/Read/Update/Delete projects
- Create/Read/Update/Delete Projects' todos
- ReactJS
- MaterialUI
- Cypress
- GraphQL
- Apollo-Server
- PostgreSQL
📢 For all of the step below: make sure that you're in the project's directory 📢
Run the Backend
cd server npm run start
Run the Frontend
cd client yarn start
Check the app out at http://localhost:3000/
yarn run cypress