A stimulus wrapper for materialize-css javascript.
Call registerAll
function wherever you initialize stimulus in your project.
import {Application} from "stimulus"
import {registerAll} from "@virtualmaster/stimulus-materialize-css";
const application = Application.start()
All materialize controllers are prefixed with materialize
prefix. If you for example want to use materialize dropdown,
you can do it like this.
<a class="dropdown-trigger btn" data-target='dropdown1' data-controller="materialize--dropdown"
data-materialize--dropdown-constraint-width-value="false" data-materialize--dropdown-cover-trigger-value="false"
data-materialize--dropdown-hover-value="true" data-materialize--dropdown-close-on-click-value="false" href="#">
Lets try dropdown!
<ul class="dropdown-content" id="dropdown1">
<a href="#"> One!</a>
<a href="#"> Two!</a>
<a href="#"> Three!</a>
Unfortunately, materialize javascript is really stupid when it comes to initialization, so there is no way, how to pass the dropdown content using stimulus. This is true for all of the components.
Name | Init target |
materialize--carousel | element |
materialize--collapsible | element |
materialize--dropdown | element (dropdown trigger) |
materialize--tap-target | tapTarget target |
materialize--material-box | image target |
materialize--slider | element |
materialize--modal | element (modal) |
materialize--parallax | element |
materialize--pushpin | element |
materialize--scrollspy | element (seaction) |
materialize--sidenav | element (sidenav) |
materialize--tabs | element |
materialize--toast | element |
materialize--tooltip | element |
materialize--autocomplete | element |
materialize--datepicker | element |
materialize--timepicker | element |
materialize--date-time-picker | element |
materialize--form | element |
Materialize form controller provides access to text areas and form selects. It also allows proper init when then form is changing dynamically. Materialize date time picker can be used for datetime fields, but it can sometimes behave strangely.