Scans recursively your photo library and extracts EXIF data per file to several data formats.
- file size
- gps
- Exif data
Allows export to:
- Excel
- SQLite
- Feather
and anything else that Pandas supports.
$ pip3 install exif2pandas --user
To export the dataframe you will need one of these modules:
- SQLite:
pip3 install --user SQLAlchemy
- Feather:
pip3 install --user pyarrow
- Excel:
pip3 install --user xlsxwriter
from exif2pandas import extract
from pathlib import Path
df = extract.extract_feather(
usage: exif2pandas [-h] [-s SQLITE] [-f FEATHER] [-e EXCEL] [-p PROCESSES]
picture_folders [picture_folders ...]
Generate sql database with exif data.
positional arguments:
picture_folders Folders with the images
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SQLITE, --sqlite SQLITE
Output the data frame to SQLite file (this will
override existing file!)
-f FEATHER, --feather FEATHER
Output the data frame to feather file (this will
override existing file!)
-e EXCEL, --excel EXCEL
Output the data frame to excel (this will override
existing file!)
number of processes to use for collecting exif data,
defaults to 5
$ exif2pandas ~/Dropbox/Photos/ -s ~/photo_metadata.sqlite
While this is not a benchmark at all, it takes me about 10 seconds to process 123 GB of photos. This was taken at my Dell XPS 9570 with Intel® Core™ i7-8750H CPU @ 2.20GHz × 12 CPU using 5 processes.
The resulting file is about 13 MB large.
The following is an example of columns that are generated - some cameras might include different fields.
- all the columns ending with
are evaluated fractions cleaned_date
- this is original date - ignores date set by editors..cleaned_latitude
- converted latitude to GPS style, the algorithm is not very precise as far as I knowcleaned_longitude
- longitudesize_megabytes
- image size in megabytesfilename
- original filename
exif-aperturevalue exif-aperturevalue-float exif-bodyserialnumber exif-brightnessvalue
exif-brightnessvalue-float exif-colorspace exif-componentsconfiguration exif-compressedbitsperpixel
exif-compressedbitsperpixel-float exif-customrendered exif-datetimedigitized exif-datetimeoriginal
exif-digitalzoomratio exif-digitalzoomratio-float exif-exifimagelength exif-exifimagewidth
exif-exifversion exif-exposurebiasvalue exif-exposurebiasvalue-float exif-exposuremode
exif-exposureprogram exif-exposuretime exif-exposuretime-float exif-filesource exif-flash
exif-flashpixversion exif-fnumber exif-fnumber-float exif-focallength exif-focallength-float
exif-focallengthin35mmfilm exif-focalplaneresolutionunit exif-focalplanexresolution
exif-focalplanexresolution-float exif-focalplaneyresolution exif-focalplaneyresolution-float
exif-interoperabilityoffset exif-isospeedratings exif-lensmake exif-lensmodel exif-lensserialnumber
exif-lensspecification exif-lightsource exif-maxaperturevalue exif-maxaperturevalue-float
exif-meteringmode exif-scenecapturetype exif-scenetype exif-sensingmethod exif-sensitivitytype
exif-sharpness exif-shutterspeedvalue exif-shutterspeedvalue-float exif-subjectarea
exif-subjectdistancerange exif-subsectime exif-subsectimedigitized exif-subsectimeoriginal
exif-usercomment exif-whitebalance
gps-gpsaltitude gps-gpsaltitude-float gps-gpsaltituderef gps-gpsdate gps-gpsdestbearing
gps-gpsdestbearing-float gps-gpsdestbearingref gps-gpsdop gps-gpsdop-float gps-gpsimgdirection
gps-gpsimgdirection-float gps-gpsimgdirectionref gps-gpslatitude gps-gpslatituderef
gps-gpslongitude gps-gpslongituderef gps-gpsmapdatum gps-gpsspeed gps-gpsspeed-float
gps-gpsspeedref gps-gpstimestamp gps-gpsversionid
image-artist image-cfapattern image-cfarepeatpatterndim image-copyright image-datetime
image-datetimeoriginal image-documentname image-exifoffset image-exposuretime
image-exposuretime-float image-fnumber image-fnumber-float image-focallength
image-focallength-float image-gpsinfo image-imagelength image-imagewidth
image-isospeedratings image-make image-model image-orientation image-rating
image-resolutionunit image-sampleformat image-software image-subfiletype
image-xresolution image-xresolution-float image-ycbcrpositioning
image-yresolution-float image-yresolution
interoperability-interoperabilityindex interoperability-interoperabilityversion
makernote-afpointset makernote-blurwarning makernote-colortemperature makernote-exposurecount
makernote-exposurewarning makernote-flashmode makernote-flashstrength
makernote-flashstrength-float makernote-focusmode makernote-focuspixel
makernote-focuswarning makernote-hdrimagetype makernote-motororbracket
makernote-noteversion makernote-picturemode makernote-quality makernote-saturation
makernote-sharpness makernote-slowsync makernote-whitebalance makernote-whitebalancefinetune