- Native Minecraft Version:
- 1.16
- Tested Minecraft Versions:
- 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15, 1.16
- 'hasitems (itemsadder item name) [amount]' e.g. 'hasitems itemsadder:ruby 4' - Check if the player has all specified items in his inventory
- 'wearitems (itemsadder item name)' e.g 'wearitems itemsadder:ruby_helmet' - Check if the player wear specified armor
- 'hasiteminhand (itemsadder item name) [amount]' - Check if the player is holding a specified item in his hand
- 'isblock (itemsadder block name) (x;y;z;world)' e.g. 'isblock itemsadder:ruby_ore 40;72;3;world' - Check if the block is correct
- 'removeitems (itemsadder item name) [amount]' - Removes items from player’s inventory
- 'giveitems (itemsadder item name) [amount]' - Gives the player predefined items
- 'setblockat (itemsadder block name) (x;y;z;world)' - Changes the block at the given position
- 'playanimation (itemsadder animation name)' - Play animated title
- 'craftitems (itemsadder item name) [amount]' - To complete this objective the player must craft specified item
- 'pickupitems (itemsadder item name) [amount] [notify]' e.g. 'pickupitems itemsadder:ruby 3 notify' - To complete this objective you need to pickup the specified amount of items
- 'blockbreak (itemsadder block name) [amount] [notify:number]' e.g. 'blockbreak itemsadder:ruby_ore 5 notify:1' - To complete this objective player must break specified amount of blocks
- 'blockplace (itemsadder block name) [amount] [notify:number]' - To complete this objective player must place specified amount of blocks
- Create Enchant, Smelting objectives
- Optimize setBlockAt event
- Optimize isBlock condition