Current ver 1.0.0 (03/02/2018)
The project currently in research stage, active development starts soon.
Greetings, my name is Vektor T13. Over the past few years, I have been studying in depth the techniques of user identification on the Internet, both with the capabilities of websites and with the functionality of local software. My project - Antidetect allows you to replace the indicators of the hardware, operating system and fingerprints of the browser. My project will allow everyone to be anonymous on the Internet. Help him improve for the sake of a common goal, tell about it to his friends and together we can protect our rights to anonymity and security.
Based on on the VirtualBox OSE 5.2.2
Spoof Device ID, Vendor Id/ Fake Device ID, Vendor Id
Spoof BIOS manufacturer, version, date etc./ Fake BIOS manufacturer, version, date etc.
Spoof ACPI tables values/ Fake ACPI tables values
Spoof Firmware version, revision, date, serial, model etc. / Fake Firmware version, revision, date, serial, model etc.
Spoof GPU/ Fake GPU
Spoof Computer name/ Fake Computer name
Spoof User account name/ Fake User account name
Spoof Windows ProductID/ Fake Windows ProductID
Spoof InternetExplorer ProductID/ Fake InternetExplorer ProductID
Spoof Windows Install data/ Fake Windows Install data
Spoof Windows Build ID/ Fake Windows Build ID
Spoof Security Identifier- SID/ Fake Security Identifier- SID
Spoof WSUS Client ID/Fake WSUS Client ID
Spoof Network adapter GUID/ Fake Network adapter GUID
Spoof DTC/ Fake DTC
Spoof DHCP v6 DUID/Fake DHCP v6 DUID
Spoof Logical volume ID/Fake Logical volume ID
Spoof Network adapter mac address/ Fake Network adapter mac address
Spoof Canvas fingerprint/ Fake Canvas fingerprint
Spoof WebGL fingerprint/ Fake WebGl fingerprint
Spoof WebGL vendor/ Fake WebGL vendor
Spoof WebGL renderer/ Fake WebGL renderer
Spoof WebGL extensions
Spoof Fragment Shader
Spoof Vertex Shader
Spoof WebGL2.0 functions parameters/ Fake WebGL2.0 functions parameters
Spoof ClientRect fingerprint/ Fake ClientRect fingerprint
Spoof Font fingerprint/ Fake Font fingerprint
Spoof WebRTC DeviceID fingerprint/ Fake WebRTC DeviceID fingerprint
Spoof AudioContext fingerprint/ Fake AudioContext fingerprint
Spoof Flac Audio fingerprint/ Fake Flac Audio fingerprint
Spoof UserAgent/ Fake UserAgent
Spoof screen size CSS
Spoof Ubercookie/ Fake Ubercookie
Spoof CSS UUID fingerprint/ Fake CSS UUID fingerprint