This project is a GPS locked combination frequency counter/frequency standard.
It's designed to work with the QRP Labs QLG1 GPS Kit. It runs on an Arduino Nano and uses a 4x20 LCD display. An Si5351 module is used as the frequency standard.
Included is the software for the "GPS_Counter" program, a document that describes how to build and operate it and the Gerber files for the printed circuit board.
A second program, "Where_MI" can be run on the same hardware and provides traditional GPS functionality.
Version 2.9 fixes a bug that was causing the time to be over a second behind the actual time. The time is still a couple hundred milliseconds behind due to the delay between when the QRP Labs GPS module sends the 1PPS pulse and when it sends the time data message, but I can't do anything about that!
Version 3.0 fixes a bug that was causing the gate time button to not work correctly and added code to make the gate LED work (somehow it was left out in Version 2.9).
IMPORTANT: There is a serious unresolved issue! The code will not work correctly on an Arduino Nano using the "New" bootloader. I'm still working on this.
I also added the ZIP file for the PCF8574 library as the actual library location ( doesn't seem to have the button to download a ZIP file.
Where_MI Version 2.1 Uploaded Sept 23, 2023
The computations for the grid square were all
screwed up! It worked at my home location but
not some others. I re-did the computations and
tested the logic for a half dozen locations
around the world. Seems to be fixed now.
John - WA2FZW