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Proposed new verif format

Thomas Nipen edited this page Dec 22, 2022 · 4 revisions
netcdf format {
   time = UNLIMITED;
   leadtime  = 48;
   location = 10;
   ensemble = 21;
   threshold = 11;
   **quantile_level** = 11;
   ensemble_member = 5;
   int time(time);                                   // Valid time of forecast initialization in
                                                     // number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00
   float leadtime(leadtime);                         // Number of hours since forecast init
   int location(location);                           // Id for each station location
   float threshold(threshold);
   **float quantile_level(quantile_level)**;         // Numbers between 0 and 1
   int ensemble_member(ensemble_member);             // Ensemble member number
   float lat(location);                              // Decimal degrees latitude
   float lon(location);                              // Decimal degrees longitude
   float altitude(location);                         // Altitude in meters
   float obs(time, leadtime, location);              // Observations
   float fcst(time, leadtime, location);             // Deterministic forecast
   float cdf(time, leadtime, location, threshold);   // Accumulated prob at threshold
   float pdf(time, leadtime, location, threshold);   // Probability density at threshold
   **float quantiles(time, leadtime, location, quantile_level)**;      // Threshold corresponding to quantile
   float pit(time, leadtime, location);              // CDF for threshold=observation
   float ensemble(time, leadtime, location, ensemble_member); // Ensemble forecasts

// global attributes:
   : long_name = "Precipitation";                    // Used to label axes in plots
   : units = "mm";                                   // Used to label axes in plots
   : standard_name = "precipitation_amount";         // NetCDF/CF standard name of the forecast variable
   : x0 = 0;                                         // Discrete mass at lower boundary (e.g. 0 mm for precipitation). Omit otherwise.
   : x1 = 100;                                       // Discrete mass at upper boundary (e.g. 100% for relative humidity). Omit otherwise.
   : verif_version = "1.3.0";                        // Not required, but will be parsed in the future if format changes