A django field that makes it easy to intersperse 'stuff' into blocks of text.
provides a simple interface for returning the contents of your field however you like: as either markdown-flavored text, valid HTML markup (with or without 'stuff' interspersed) or even plain text (with all markdown formatting removed).
also keeps track of which model instances are associated within each TextPlusStuffField (via the TextPlusStuffLink model) so you can see where all your textplusstuff-integrated content is used across your django project.
Registering existing models for use in TextPlusStuffFields is as easy as integrating a model into the admin.
Each model registered with django-textplusstuff
can have as many 'renditions' as you like which keeps business logic DRY while enabling designers and front-end developers to have control over how content is displayed.
Full documentation available at Read the Docs.