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Installing Python 3.7 on Linux Mint


sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev libffi-dev
tar xvJf Python-3.7.2.tar.xz
cd Python-3.7.2/
./configure --enable-optimizations
sudo make altinstall

Establishing a development environment

Follow these steps to get a development environment for LTA:

cd ~/projects
git clone
cd lta
python3.8 -m venv ./env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Updating requirements.txt after a pip install

If you install a new package using pip install cool-pkg-here then be sure to update the requirements.txt file with the following command:

pip freeze --all >requirements.txt

Helper script

There is a helper script snake that defines some common project tasks.

Try one of the following tasks:

snake check                # Check dependency package versions
snake clean                # Remove build cruft
snake coverage             # Perform coverage analysis
snake dist                 # Create a distribution tarball and wheel
snake docker               # Create a docker container
snake lint                 # Run static analysis tools
snake rebuild              # Test and lint the module
snake test                 # Test the module

The task rebuild doesn't really build (no need to compile Python), but it does run static analysis tools and unit/integration tests.

Bumping to the next version

If you need to increase the version number of the project, don't forget to edit the following:

Log Lens

There is a small helper script loglens that can be used to format structured log output in a human-readable way; like you might see in a traditional log file.

For example, running a Picker and sending its log output through the log lens:

bin/ | loglens

Log Filter

There is a small helper script logfilter that can be used to cull non-JSON output from structured log output. If debugging messages are crashing the log lens, this construction may help:

bin/ | logfilter | loglens

Local test environment

It is possible to test LTA locally, but the setup for the local test environment has a few steps. This section walks you through that process.

Install docker

For Linux Mint 18, there is a script in the resources directory:


Install circleci-cli

The following command installs circleci-cli locally:

curl -fLSs | sudo bash

There are other installation options as well.

Running a local CircleCI job

This command runs a local CircleCI job:

circleci local execute --job JOB_NAME

For LTA, JOB_NAME is test


Get a MongoDB running on port 27017.

docker run --rm -it --network=host circleci/mongo:3.7.9-ram


Get a MySQL running on port 8890:

docker run --name jade_lta_test -e MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD=true -e MYSQL_USER=jade -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=hunter2 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=jade-lta -p 8890:3306 mysql

Then use a MySQL client to populate it with the JADE LTA database schema:

mysql -h -P 8890 --user jade --password jade-lta < jade-lta-schema.sql

Token Service

Get a token service running on port 8888:

docker run --env auth_secret=secret --rm -it --network=host wipac/token-service:latest python

File Catalog

Get a File Catalog running on port 8889.

TODO: Provide a Vagrantfile to easily create this service
TODO: Provide a docker command to easily create a container running this service


Get an LTA DB running on port 8080.

docker run --rm -it --network=host --env LTA_AUTH_ALGORITHM='HS512' --env LTA_AUTH_ISSUER='http://localhost:8888' --env LTA_AUTH_SECRET='secret' wipac/lta:latest python3 -m lta.rest_server

A file local-secret contains the secret credentials used by the LTA DB to secure itself. Note, this is Bring Your Own Secret (BYOS) software, so may want to run this command to create a secret:

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=64 2>/dev/null | base64 >local-secret

A script bin/ is used to start the LTA DB service, secured with the local secret.

A script resources/ uses the local secret to create tokens for components to authenticate themselves with the LTA DB.

A script resources/ asks the docker container for a token for components to authenticate themselves with the LTA DB.

Testing Data

Get yourself some testing data from the Data Warehouse.

mkdir /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109
cd /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109
scp jadenorth-2:/data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109/* .

A script resources/ can be used to register these files with the File Catalog. Here we invoke the 'add-catalog' subcommand to add files to the catalog at the WIPAC site.

resources/ add-catalog WIPAC /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109

LTA Components

A script bin/ is used to generate a token and start a Picker component that interacts with the LTA DB. The output will be JSON, so to get a more traditional log output, use the loglens script to translate:

bin/ | loglens

A script bin/ is used to generate a token and start a Bundler component that interacts with the LTA DB. The output will be JSON, so to get a more traditional log output, use the loglens script to translate:

bin/ | loglens

LTA Archival Kickoff

A script resources/ can be used to POST a TransferRequest object to the LTA DB and get the data archival process started. An example of usage would be:

resources/ WIPAC:/data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109 DESY:/data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109 NERSC:/data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109

This creates a transfer of /data/exp/IceCube/2013/filtered/PFFilt/1109 from WIPAC to the destinations DESY and NESRC.

Test Data Reset

A script resources/ automates this process:

  • Clear files from the File Catalog
  • Clear transfer requests from the LTA DB
  • Register files with the File catalog
  • Create a transfer request in the LTA DB

This script can be used to restart testing conditions within the system. The component scripts have 30 second delays between work cycles, so the next test should happen automatically after 30 seconds.

Pushing Docker containers to local registry in Kubernetes

Here are some commands to get the Docker container pushed to our Docker register in our Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl -n kube-system port-forward $(kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system -l "app=docker-registry" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") 5000:5000 &
docker tag wipac/lta:0.0.5 localhost:5000/wipac/lta:0.0.5
docker push localhost:5000/wipac/lta:0.0.5

Obtaining an authentication token

Use the IceCube Token Service to obtain a token with the file-catalog and lta scopes: