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Terminology EXtraction and Text Analytics (TEXTA) Toolkit


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TEXTA Toolkit 3




  • Anaconda or Miniconda (Recommended)
  • Docker & Docker-Compose (Only required for Docker deployment)


Works with Python 3.8

Creating environment:

conda env create -f environment.yaml

Running migrations:


  • This script will also create an admin account with the default username "admin". You can use python -u {{username}} instead for a custom username of your choice.
  • Password for that admin account will be generated automatically and printed to the console. This behaviour can be overwritten with the environment variable TEXTA_ADMIN_PASSWORD, in which case the password will be set to the same value as 'TEXTA_ADMIN_PASSWORD'.
  • Running python -o will overwrite the password with whatever value you have inside the environment variable TEXTA_ADMIN_PASSWORD.

Running application:

python3 runserver

celery -A toolkit.taskman worker -l info

Import testing data:


Run all tests:

python3 test

Run tests for specific app:

python3 test appname (eg python3 test toolkit.neurotagger)

Run performance tests (not run by default as they are slow):

python3 test toolkit.performance_tests

Building Docker:

docker build -t texta-rest:latest -f docker/Dockerfile .

Running Docker:

docker run -p 8000:8000 texta-rest:latest

Building Docker with GPU support:

docker build -t texta-rest:gpu-latest -f docker/gpu.Dockerfile .

Running Docker with GPU support requires NVIDIA Container Toolkit to be installed on the host machine: When Container Toolkit is installed:

docker run --gpus all -p 8000:8000 texta-rest:latest-gpu

Environment variables

Deploy & Testing variables

  • TEXTA_ENV_FILE - Optional file path for a typical .env file to be loaded into memory for TEXTA Toolkit (Default: None).

  • TEXTA_SECRET_KEY - String key for cryptographic security purposes. ALWAYS SET IN PRODUCTION.

  • TEXTA_CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS - Whether to allow cookies to be included in cross-site HTTP requests (Default: True)

  • TEXTA_CORS_ALLOW_ALL_ORIGINS - Whether to allow requests from all Origins (Default: false)

  • TEXTA_CELERY_USED_QUEUES - Comma separated list of Celery queues you are using for TEXTA Toolkit. No need to touch when running a standard configuration.

  • TEXTA_ELASTIC_VERSION - Must equal to the integer of the main Elasticsearch cluster version (Default: 6).

  • TEXTA_DEPLOY_KEY - Used to separate different Toolkit instances for cases where Elasticsearch or the database are shared amongst multiple instances. Best to give this a simple number (Default: 1).

  • TEXTA_ADMIN_PASSWORD - Password of the admin user created on first run.

  • TEXTA_USE_CSRF - Whether to disable CSRF for integration tests (Default: false).

  • TEXTA_CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER - Whether to use Celerys async features or not, useful for testing purposes locally. ( Default: False)

  • TEXTA_DATA_DIR - Path to the directory in which TEXTA Toolkit saves the models it generates, and the binary model dependencies it needs (Default: data).

  • TEXTA_EXTERNAL_DATA_DIR - Path to the base directory in which 3rd party models (MLP/BERT/etc) are kept (Default: data/models).

  • TEXTA_CACHE_DIR - Path for the cache folder which BERT uses (Default: data/external/.cache).

  • TEXTA_RELATIVE_MODELS_DIR - Relative path of the directory in which all the different types of models are stored in. (Default: "/data/models").

  • TEXTA_LANGUAGE_CODES - Comma separated string of Stanza supported language codes to use for Multilingual Processing. (Default: "").

  • TEXTA_MLP_USE_GPU - Use GPU to speed up MLP (Default: False).

  • TEXTA_MLP_MODEL_DIRECTORY_PATH - Relative path to the directory into which Stanza models will be stored under the " stanza" folder (setting this to ./home/texta will create ./home/texta/stanza which contains subfolders for every language like ./home/texta/stanza/et etc). (Default: "./data/external/mlp").

  • TEXTA_ALLOW_BERT_MODEL_DOWNLOADS - Boolean flag indicating if the users can download additional BERT models. (Default: True).

  • TEXTA_BERT_MODEL_DIRECTORY_PATH - Relative path to the directory into which pretrained and fine-tuned BERT models will be stored under the "bert_tagger" folder. (setting this to ./home/texta will create ./home/texta/bert_tagger/pretrained/ which contains subfolders for every downloaded bert more like ./home/texta/bert_model/pretrained/bert-base-multilingual-cased etc and ./home/texta/bert_model/fine_tuned/ which will store fine-tuned BERT models. (Default: "./data/models").

  • TEXTA_NLTK_DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH - Path of the directory where the NLTK library keeps its resources (Default: data/external/nltk).

  • TEXTA_BERT_MODELS - Comma seprated string of pretrained BERT models to download. (Default: "bert-base-multilingual-cased,bert-base-uncased,EMBEDDIA/finest-bert").

  • SKIP_BERT_RESOURCES - If set "True", skips downloading pretrained BERT models. (Default: false).

  • SKIP_MLP_RESOURCES - Whether to skip downloading MLP resources on application boot-up (Default: false).

  • SKIP_NLTK_RESOURCES - Whether to skip downloading NLTK library resources on application boot-up (Default: false).

  • TEXTA_EVALUATOR_MEMORY_BUFFER_GB - The minimum amount of memory that should be left free while using the evaluator, unit = GB. (Default = 50% of available_memory)

  • TEXTA_DATASOURCE_CHOICES - Choices for index domain field given as a list ex: [['prefix_name', 'display_name']]. ( Default = [["emails", "emails"], ["news articles", "news articles"], ["comments", "comments"] , ["court decisions", "court decisions"], ["tweets", "tweets"], ["forum posts", "forum posts"] , ["formal documents", "formal documents"], ["other", "other"]])

  • TOOLKIT_PROJECT_DATA_PATH - Path of the directory in which project specific data is kept (Default: data/projects).

External services

  • TEXTA_ES_PREFIX - String used to limit Elasticsearch index access. Only indices matched will be the ones matching " {TEXTA_ES_PREFIX}*".
  • TEXTA_ES_URL - URL of the Elasticsearch instance including the protocol, host and port (ex. http://localhost:9200).
  • TEXTA_REDIS_URL - URL of the Redis instance including the protocol, host and port (ex. redis://localhost:6379).

Django specifics

  • TEXTA_CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST - Comma separated string of urls (NO WHITESPACE) for the CORS whitelist. Needs to include the protocol (ex. http://* or http://*,http://localhost:4200).
  • TEXTA_ALLOWED_HOSTS - Comma separated string (NO WHITESPACE) representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve (ex. * or *,http://localhost:4200).
  • TEXTA_DEBUG - True/False values on whether to run Django in its Debug mode or not (Default: true).
  • TEXTA_MAX_UPLOAD - Maximum size of files in bytes that are allowed to be updated, which Django validates (Default: 1073741824 aka 1GB)

Database credentials

  • DJANGO_DATABASE_NAME - The name of the database to use. For SQLite, it’s the full path to the database file. When specifying the path, always use forward slashes, even on Windows.
  • DJANGO_DATABASE_USER - The username to use when connecting to the database. Not used with SQLite.
  • DJANGO_DATABASE_PASSWORD - The password to use when connecting to the database. Not used with SQLite.
  • DJANGO_DATABASE_HOST - Which host to use when connecting to the database. An empty string means localhost. Not used with SQLite.
  • DJANGO_DATABASE_PORT - The port to use when connecting to the database. An empty string means the default port. Not used with SQLite.

Docker specific configurations:

  • TEXTA_SHORT_TASK_WORKERS - Number of processes available for short term tasks (Default: 2).
  • TEXTA_LONG_TASK_WORKERS - Number of processes available for long term tasks (Default: 4).
  • TEXTA_MLP_TASK_WORKERS - Number of processes available for MLP based tasks (Default: 2).
  • TEXTA_SHORT_MAX_TASKS - Number of tasks per worker for short term tasks (Default: 10).
  • TEXTA_LONG_MAX_TASKS - Number of tasks per worker for long term tasks (Default: 10).
  • TEXTA_MLP_MAX_TASKS - Number of tasks per worker for MLP based tasks (Default: 10).
  • TEXTA_BEAT_LOG_LEVEL - Which log level should beat output within the Docker image (Default: WARNING).
  • TEXTA_CELERY_LOG_LEVEL - Which log level should Celery workers output within the Docker image (Default: WARNING).

Extra Elasticsearch connection configurations

Unless you have a specially configured Elasticsearch instance, you can ignore these options.

  • TEXTA_ES_USER - Username to authenticate to a secured Elasticsearch instance.
  • TEXTA_ES_PASSWORD - Password to authenticate to a secured Elasticsearch instance.


UAA specific configurations

  • TEXTA_USE_UAA - Whether to include UAA authentication with the default authentication (Default: false).

  • TEXTA_UAA_SCOPES - Which scopes should be sent with communication between TEXTA Toolkit and UAA (Default: openid texta.*).

  • TEXTA_UAA_SUPERUSER_SCOPE - Which scope to use for determining whether an UAA user is a superuser (Default: texta.admin).

  • TEXTA_UAA_PROJECT_ADMIN_SCOPE - Which scope to use to specify whether an UAA user has project administrator rights to ANY project which is available to them (Default: texta.project_admin).

  • TEXTA_UAA_SCOPE_PREFIX - Prefix for determining UAA user access to TEXTA Toolkit. Any user who does not have a scope which matches the pattern "{TEXTA_UAA_SCOPE_PREFIX}.*" will be denied entry to TEXTA Toolkit (Default: texta).

  • TEXTA_UAA_URL - URI for the UAA service (Default: http://localhost:8080).

  • TEXTA_UAA_REDIRECT_URI - URI into which the user will be redirected after a successful UAA login ( Default: http://localhost:8000/api/v2/uaa/callback).

  • TEXTA_UAA_FRONT_REDIRECT_URL - Configuration for the front end to determine where it will redirect the user after a successful login with UAA by Toolkit (Default: http://localhost:4200/oauth/uaa)

  • TEXTA_UAA_CLIENT_ID - UAA client ID for authenticating the TEXTA Toolkit application for UAA. Must be kept secret

  • TEXTA_UAA_CLIENT_SECRET - Password for authenticating the TEXTA Toolkit application with UAA. Must be kept secret

Used By


Terminology EXtraction and Text Analytics (TEXTA) Toolkit



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  • Python 99.6%
  • Other 0.4%