This tool is designed for quickly identifying which elements are present in a spectrum.
- Usual data-analysis modules (numpy, scipy, matplotlib)
- mh.spectra -- another repo of mine for working with astrophysical spectra
- linelist.rec.npy -- this is not hosted here, but can be provided on request.
Basic usage looks like
element_spec spectrum.dat FeI 7500 1
- Arg1: The filename containing the spectrum you are working with.
- Arg2: Ion name
- Arg3: Effective temperature in Kelvin
- Arg4: Abundance in arbitrary units, 1.0 is good starting point.
Other options exist depending what you want to do. For instance, if your spectrum is redshifed by 50km/s, you can use
element_spec spectrum.dat FeI 7500 1 -rv=50
Description of other options can be found with
element_spec --help