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FABOP directory

Directory management application of the organization La Fabrique Opéra Val de Loire under Apache 2.0 license.

Technicals details

The project is maintained under Symfony Frameworks and is using Php as back-end main language.

Front-end is maintained with npm modules as gulp-sass, bootstrap and jquery. Html templates are using Twig.

Docker stack

The project handle a Docker configuration made for a 4 containers stack :

- web : Nginx container
    port : 80
    image : debian:stretch

    Handle Http requests through Nginx web reverse proxy

- php : Php-fpm container
    port : 9000
    image : php:7.4-fpm

    Handle php backend scripts execution. Serve Nginx on port 9000.

- mysqldb : MariaDB MySQL Database
    port : 3306
    image : mariadb

    Handle relational type data through Doctrine component.

- mongodb : MongoDB NoSQL Database
    port : 27017
    image : mongo:latest

    Handle collection/document type data through custom Data management system.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  1. LIRE LA DOCUMENTATION dans le dossier /fabop-directory/doc-fab-op/docs-2020

  2. LIRE LA DOCUMENTATION dans le dossier /fabop-directory/doc-fab-op/docs-2020

  3. LIRE LA DOCUMENTATION dans le dossier /fabop-directory/doc-fab-op/docs-2020

  4. Install nodejs and yarn.

    apt-get install nodejs npm

    curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

    echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

    apt-get update && apt-get install yarn

  5. Docker dependencies

    Ubuntu :

    Debian :

    Fedora :

    CentOS :

    Windows :

  6. Install git for being able to clone the project, make commits and push, etc...

    apt-get install git

Setting up Docker dev environment

  1. First, you need to clone the project and install yarn dependencies

    git clone

    cd fabop-directory/app

    yarn install

  2. Then, When cloning is complete :

    yarn run gulp styles

    yarn run gulp js

    yarn run gulp fa

    yarn run gulp animations

    yarn run gulp images

    yarn run gulp fonts

  3. Edit app/.env and set APP_ENV to dev

  4. Set DB passwords in docker-compose.yml and copy them into app/.env by replacing <SET PASSWORD HERE> placeholders. Set also mongodb password in build/mongodb/mongo-init.js.

  5. Now, build docker images and start it :

    docker-compose build (may take few minutes)

    docker-compose up

    Use docker-compose start/stop to manage containers (or any GUI Docker containers manager)

  6. Install composer dependencies by your php container :

    docker exec <php container | fabop-directory_php_1> composer install docker exec <php container | fabop-directory_php_1> chown -R :www-data /var/www

  7. Make db migrations by using following commands :

    docker-compose exec php bin/console make:migration

    docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

  8. If you need to enter containers terminal :

    docker exec -it <mycontainer> bash

  9. Build the app svelte: yarn encore dev

  10. Get your user root (mail : [email protected] | mdp : root) :

    docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

  11. To get your ip container : docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <Container Name >

  12. Your app is active and you can see your project at localhost:80 or your web container ip.

  13. Fix right of your folders to import/export:

    docker-compose exec php chown -R :www-data /var/www

    docker-compose exec php chmod 775 /var/www/html/symfony/public

Setting up the development environment without Docker

1.1. Make sure you have php7.4, composer and mongodb installed :

Install PHP 7.4

apt-get update

apt-get install php-cli

apt-get install php-curl php-gd php-intl php-json php-mbstring php-xml php-zip php-mysql php-mongodb

Install composer

apt install composer

1.2. First, you need to clone the project and install dependencies with following command lines :

`git clone`

`cd fabop-directory/app`

`git checkout develop`

`yarn install`

`composer install`
  1. Then, When cloning is complete, replace in app/assets/js/scripts.js every localhost by localhost:8000

    and run gulp routines to make front-end and back-end working.

    yarn run gulp styles

    yarn run gulp js

    yarn run gulp fa

    yarn run gulp animations

    yarn run gulp images

    yarn run gulp fonts

  2. Edit app/.env and set APP_ENV to dev

  3. Replace

    • DATABASE_URL="mysql://app_access:<SET PASSWORD HERE>@mysqldb:3306/fabop_directory" by DATABASE_URL="mysql://[VOTRE LOGIN]:[VOTRE LOGIN]@servinfo-mariadb:3306/sf[VOTRE LOGIN]"

    Note : Remplace [VOTRE LOGIN] by your session login

    • MONGODB_URL=mongodb://app_access:<SET PASSWORD HERE>@mongodb:27017/fabop_directory by MONGODB_URL="mongodb://localhost:27017"

    Warning : Do not forget the quotation marks

  4. Now, you can run migrations

    php bin/console make:migration

    If you have a warning, don't care about it, continue.

    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

    Note : Answer y to the question :

     WARNING! You are about to execute a database migration that could result in schema changes and data loss. Are you sure you wish to continue? (y/n)
  5. Build the app svelte: yarn encore dev

  6. Finally, you can start the project

    php bin/console server:start

Running the tests

  1. Test mongodb manager (custom data retriever) :

    You can run tests with :

    php ./bin/phpunit tests/MongoManagerTest.php --testdox


    php ./bin/phpunit tests/MongoManagerTest.php if you want to check details and errors.

    Those tests may not pass if some database's data are not precisely set.

Loading fixtures

docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

SwiftMailer Configuration

Edit .env file :

    [email protected]

Deployment / production server installation

Will come later

Built With

  • Php 7.4.3

  • JavaScript

  • Twig

  • Symfony 4.4.5 - The web framework used (PHP)

  • npm/yarn - Dependency Management

  • Bootstrap 4 - CSS framework

  • jquery - JS framework

  • fontawesome - Icons font

  • Docker - Containers

  • MariaDB - MySQL Database

  • MongoDB - NoSQL Database