WaterDesk 慧水供水模型软件
近几年,随着智慧水务建设节奏逐步加快,供水管网模型成为行业聚焦热点,利用模型对管网运行数据进行挖掘也变为现实。如何降低建模的门槛,使模型成为供水企业重要的技术工具,从而加快企业实现智慧水务的步伐是我们一直追求的目标。为此,我们于 2019 年开发了一款功能完整的供水模型软件---WaterDesk,致力于帮助企业能够快速且高效建立供水管网模型。
WaterDesk 软件功能完善、操作便捷、界面美观,适用于不同信息化阶段的供水企业对各种复杂工况环境的模拟需求。软件支持主流的数据格式,如 INP,SHP,DXF 和 Excel 等;具有专业的运营分析功能,如水厂停运缺水分析、管网分区设计、供水范围审查和管网运行诊断等;并通过便捷的图例、标注功能以及丰富的表格、曲线展示提高了软件的易用性。
- upgrade network topologies by differencing GIS changes
- generate demand patterns by clustering algorithms to identify water user groups
- connect with WaterDesk-Live system, upload/download models to/from online system with latest SCADA time data
- model file encryption
- AI assistant "XIAOHUI"
- find shortest path by given two objects
- some other UI improvement and bug fixes
- object properties
- Pattern: add more pattern types: reservoir level, inflow of tank, outflow of tank, quality
- all Link objects: add control item count, display it in property palette and table
- new features and improvement
- energy report
- display selection sets as tree structure by using path separator '/', e.g. level-1/item
- highlighting rows in tables when selecting object in the map
- add a simulation option: ignore invalid controls which referenced objects are invalid during simulation
- view: highlight Link objects with controls
- view: highlight boundary conditional SCADA points
- refactor Time Pattern Editor window as modeless
- refactor Background layers manager, allow import as model objects in batch
- show profile graph for link objects
- analyze the relationship between Flow and Pressure SCADA group
- some other UI improvement and bug fixes
- some bug fixes
- object properties
- all objects: add note6 ~ note10 fields
- pump: add Rated Flow, Rated Head, Frequency Mode(Fixed/Variable), Max Frequency and Min Frequency
- Quality SCADA: add Chlorine and Turbidity types
- Pattern: add two virtual patterns, total energy and total efficiency
- new features and improvements:
- merge model files by importing a .wdm file
- add model precision analysis for the China Urban Water Association group standard (T/CUWA20059-2022)
- add analysis settings, such as minimum flow and minimum velocity
- selection mode in Status Bar: controls the selection mode with overlapping objects
- navigation mode in Status Bar: controls the navigation mode by moving or zooming
- allow users to clear, load, unload simulation results
- graph window: add level and head properties of Level SCADA, customize the max and min values of the Y-axis
- Control Editor window: display control items in a table
- import SCADA time data: specify a time range and discard the seconds component
- performance improvement, such as network simplification, select a large number of objects in table and highlight them in the map, delete a large number of objects, play mode, etc.
- some UI improvements and bug fixes
- EPANET bug fixes
- Online Support (need registration): there are some advanced features which are used to connect WaterDesk Online System
- import billings
- allocate billings to customers as demands
- allocate demands by region
- scheduling optimization for a plant
- deploy the model to Cloud as an Online System
- upgrade the model to an existing Online System
- polygonal selection
- add Plant, Pump Station objects
- support enable/disable status for model objects
- add Zone object
- Zone analysis for completeness, bind Flow SCADA to Zone semi-automatically
- add virtual pattern
- add virtual SCADA, support Model value expressions:
- support search in Time Pattern Editor window
- fix some EPANET bugs about quality simulation
- some UI improvements
- some bug fixes
- quick search bar
- open recent folders
- save and edit project notes
- customize the content for objects' labels
- find the neighbor junctions of which the difference of elevation or head exceeds the threshold
- pressure influence coverage analysis
- delete unused result files automatically
- calculate the reliability for Pressure and Flow SCADAs
- analysis the flow and demand data of DMA
- some UI improvements
- some bug fixes
- improve the graphics performance, especially displaying the labels of model objects
- legend settings for Pressure, Flow and Quality SCADA objects
- add Text Label with/without referencing model objects
- style settings for Object Labels and Text Label
- allow multiple graph chart windows to be pinned
- some bug fixes
- update pattern values from SCADA by JS expressions
- measure distance in map
- add legend setting for Customers
- add flow/pipe direction arrow display setting
- add FCI (Flow Calibration Index) analysis
- optimize trace up/down
- optimize demand allocation
- optimize selection set operations
- display head for Pressure SCADA in result graph
- Flow SCADA can be converted to Transfer Flowmeter
- SCADA points' Error chart / Objects' difference in result graph
- support more data file format for SCADA time data (.csv)
- support database source for SCADA time data (Access, Sqlite, SQL Server)
- support search in SCADA Browser window
- export to Infoworks' calibration data files
- support data transform when import SCADA time data
- Some bug fixes and performance improvement
- Demand allocation by referencing to Customers
- Fix EPANET bugs: some Pump Curve's bugs during simulation calculation
- Add PCI (Pressure Calibration Index) analysis
- Add more SCADA objects: Frequency (for Pump), Energy (for Pump), Switch (for Pump or Valve), and Level (for Reservoir or Tank)
- Support Baidu Earth for web map
- Some bug fixes
- Add recent file list
- Fix EPANET bug: apply pressure control during ggasolver
- Pump curve fitting
- Some bug fixes
- Add Baidu Map
- Fix EPANET bug: reset speed to 0.0 if change pump status to LINK_CLOSED
- Some bug fixes and performance improvement