Serum trading bots that implement a specific strategy (i.e “provide liquidity 5% above and below the 30 minute moving average"). Users would have the ability to deposit funds into the protocol, choosing from a few reasonable choices of parameters (EMA length, market depth, etc.) The strategy would ideally reference Pyth Network for pricing
spl-token create-token
spl-token create-account <token_mint>
spl-token mint <token_mint> 100000000
anchor build
solana-keygen pubkey target/deploy/MamaM-keypair.json
Use your program id to replace 3HGwuAEzU8vtqZasvKsYWF34cdw7j4y3AbtWJo1BrN19
anchor build
anchor deploy
yarn install
yarn idl
yarn build
Initialize exchange and market
ts-node sdk/scripts/initializeExchange.ts
ts-node sdk/scripts/initializeMarket.ts
market: FrYYFp9d6pGkkavEKTT3YwJnUBX3Qiqjr1iSuHKR6pqe
→ paste sdk/constants.ts
Initialize user on market and place order
ts-node sdk/scripts/initUserOnMarket.ts
ts-node sdk/scripts/placeOrder.ts
ts-node sdk/scripts/loadOrderbook.ts
→ see your order on orderbook
Initialize AMM
ts-node sdk/scripts/initializeAmm.ts
amm: BLwsrXqvao29rKFLJ9D4Nj2HXCokc48YkafQwih78eZo
→ paste sdk/constants.ts
Deposit to AMM
ts-node sdk/scripts/depositAmm.ts
Run AMM once
ts-node sdk/scripts/updatePrice.ts
Run AMM continuosly
ts-node sdk/scripts/crankUpdatePrice.ts
AMM LP token
withdraw from AMM