A comprehensive analysis of Air Pollution from 2010-2017 for almost 200 countries.
The kaggle kernel link - https://www.kaggle.com/sourinroy/global-air-pollution-from-2010-2017-wealthy-waste
The dataset used - https://www.kaggle.com/kweinmeister/pm25-global-air-pollution-20102017. The dataset was modified to suit the purpose of the project.
A brief overview of what the project covers -
- Plotting of data.
- Sorting of data to find most and least polluted countries.
- Unsupervised Learning is used to cluster similar type of countries.
- Performing Cluster Analysis to name and label the clusters.
- Making a predicitve model, which on entering a new data, clusters the new country into one of the clusters above.
Developed by - Sourin Roy