A very simple single-header library to use chatgpt API in Windows. Just include chatgpt.hpp somewhere and you are set.
I describe more details in the CodeProject article: https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/5355950/ChatGPT-API-for-Windows-Use-ChatGPT-in-your-Window
I use this API in my full scale video/audio sequencer: https://www.turbo-play.com
- Create an account with OpenAI
- Create API keys in https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
- Include "chatgpt.hpp" in your Win32 code
- Read and decide which models to use https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/overview
Example code:
CHATGPT_API c("your_api_key");
auto off = c.Text("What is your name?");
auto& r = off.value();
std::cout << r.t << std::endl;
You can also set a model (https://platform.openai.com/docs/models/overview)
Code models are free at this beta stage of the API.
Example code:
CHATGPT_API c("your_api_key");
auto off = c.Image("White cat");
auto& r = off.value();
// r.data has the PNG data of the cat
- API keys cost, remember to pick the correct one for your application.
- Currently, in the library, these functions are implemented:
// Sets the model to use for text generation
void SetModel(const char* model);
// Accepts input, temperature (the smaller, the least random results), max tokens to use.
std::optional<CHATGPT_RESULT> Text(const char* prompt, int Temperature = 0, int max_tokens = 100);
// Accepts a prompt and returns the image as raw PNG data
std::optional<CHATGPT_RESULT> Image(const char* prompt,int wi = 1024,int he = 1024); // can be also 512x512 or 256x256
For example, this simple cpp is included in the repo:
#include <...>
#include "chatgpt.hpp"
int main()
WSADATA w = {};
WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &w);
CHATGPT_API c("api_key");
for (;;)
std::string input;
std::cout << "Enter question:";
std::getline(std::cin, input);
if (input.empty())
auto off = c.Text(input.c_str());
if (!off.has_value())
auto& r = off.value();
std::cout << r.t << std::endl;
More to be implemented soon!