- .NET 4 and higher
- Silverlight 4 and higher
- Windows Phone 7.5 and higher
- Windows Store Apps
Player search
Place bid
Trade status
Item data
Player image
NuGet packages
var client = new FutClient();
var loginDetails = new LoginDetails("e-mail", "password", "secret answer", Platform.Ps3 /* or Platform.Xbox360 */);
var loginResponse = await client.LoginAsync(loginDetails);
All the search parameters are optional. If none are specified, you will get the 1st page of results with no filters applied.
var searchParameters = new PlayerSearchParameters
Page = 1,
Level = Level.Gold,
ChemistryStyle = ChemistryStyle.Sniper,
League = League.BarclaysPremierLeague,
Nation = Nation.Norway,
Position = Position.Striker,
Team = Team.ManchesterUnited
var searchResponse = await client.SearchAsync(searchParameters);
foreach (var auctionInfo in searchResponse.AuctionInfo)
// Handle auction data
Passing the amount explicitly:
var auctionResponse = await client.PlaceBidAsync(auctionInfo, 150);
Place the next valid bid amount:
var auctionResponse = await client.PlaceBidAsync(auctionInfo);
Retrieves the trade status of the auctions of interest.
var auctionResponse = await client.GetTradeStatusAsync(
Auctions // Contains the auctions we're currently watching
.Where(x => x.AuctionInfo.Expires != -1) // Not expired
.Select(x => x.AuctionInfo.TradeId));
foreach (var auctionInfo in auctionResponse.AuctionInfo)
// Handle the updated auction data
Contains info such as name, ratings etc.
var item = await client.GetItemAsync(auctionInfo);
- Format: PNG
- Dimensions: 100 x 100 pixels
var imageBytes = await client.GetPlayerImageAsync(auctionInfo);
If you're targeting .NET 4.5 or .NET for Windows Store apps, you'll need:
Async targeting pack