!!! NOTE !!!
The project is not developed in this repository anymore. The source code was moved into NFEngine project: https://github.com/nfprojects/nfengine/tree/devel/Src/Engine/Raytracer
A side project which aims to build an efficient photorealistic software renderer.
- Written in C++14
- Developed for Windows and Linux
- Highly optimized using SSE and AVX intrinsics
- Parsing scene description from a JSON file
- Low discrepancy sampling (scrambled Halton sequence)
- Blue noise dithered sampling
- Adaptive rendering (using more samples in noisy image areas)
- Spectral rendering using hero wavelength method (Note: disabled by default)
- Debug rendering mode (for visualizing depth, normal vectors, material parameters, etc.)
- Camera simulation:
- Depth of Field (circle or polygonal bokeh)
- Barrel distortion
- Motion blur
- Bounding Volume Hierarchy (BVH) used for scene and mesh traversal (two levels of BVH)
- Supported shape types: triangle meshes, sphere, box, rectangle
- Full per-object motion blur (translational and rotational)
- Both single-ray and AVX-optimized stream packet traversal
- Supported light transport algorithms:
- Naive Path Tracing (sampling only BSDF)
- Path Tracing with multiple importance sampling (sampling both lights and material BSDF)
- Bidirectional Path Tracing (with MIS)
- Light Tracing (for debugging)
- Supported light types: point, directional, background, area (any shape)
- Physically based BSDFs: diffuse, metal, dielectric, plastic
- Cook-Torrance BSDF for specular reflection with GGX normal distribution
- Transparency and refraction
- Normal mapping support
- 2D bitmap textures
- Supports most of DXGI formats, including bit-packed formats, BC1, BC4 and BC5 block compression
- Supported file formats: BMP, DDS, EXR (thanks to https://github.com/syoyo/tinyexr library)
- Better material model and multilayer materials (e.g. introduce Disney-like "principled" material)
- Procedural textures
- Volumetric rendering
- Optimize traversal and shading with SSE/AVX
- Port to ARM NEON