Slothst in Space is a Role-Playing Game for PC/Mac were you battle your way across space while defeating evil Space Orcs. Choose between Smasher, Sneak, and Summoner Avatar to save the universe.
This project was the third iteration for Object Oriented Programming Course, Spring 2016 @ the University of Florida. The students first had to design the project using UML diagrams at a specification level. Once the UML design was finalized the students were able to implement the project in Java. The primary goal of this iteration was to write code that follows good object oriented principles. That includes but is not limited to:
- The Law of Demeter
- Tell, Don't Ask
- Principle of Type Conformance
- Principle of Closed Behavior
- Open Closed Principle
- Liskov substitution principle
Note: No frameworks were allowed in this course except for Java2D.
Mitchell Burgunder @mburgunder
Ian Cavitt @Icavitt
Erik Christiansen @mistiansen
Matthew Diaz @matthewddiaz
Qianwen Ding @QianwenDing
Zach Schultz @zachschultz