x3mRouting includes selective routing features for LAN Clients, OpenVPN Clients and OpenVPN Servers. This version is compatible with the 384.19 and 386.x Asuswrt-Merlin firmware versions.
If coming from the first generation of x3mRouting, please read the updated instructions below to become familiar with the new features and usage instructions. Refer to the Version 2.0.0 Changes section for a description of the changes and the Version 2.0.0 Update Process section for the update instructions.
An alternative approach to automate and easily assign LAN clients to a WAN or VPN Client interface. This option eliminates the need to enter the LAN Client information and IP addresses in the OpenVPN Client Screen. The LAN Clients Routing option can be used by itself or with one of the two options below.
Provides the ability to create IPSET lists using the x3mRouting script and selectively route the IPSET lists thru the VPN Client by entering the IPSET name in a modified OpenVPN Client Screen.
The x3mRouting script provides the ability to
- Create and selectively route IPSET lists to the VPN Client interface for all traffic or specific devices.
- Bypass a VPN Client interface for all traffic or specific devices.
- Route VPN Server 1, 2 or both to one of the VPN Clients.
- Selectively route VPN Server 1, 2 or both to the same routing rules as an IPSET.
The features of openvpn-event are used to create the routing rule during a VPN Client up event and remove the routing rule during a VPN Client down event.
The x3mRouting Utility Scripts scripts and tools can be used to analyze the domain names being used for a website or streaming service to assist with determining the best x3mRouting method to use.
The getdomainnames.sh script will create a uniquely sorted list of domain names gathered from dnsmasq.log that you collect by accessing a website or streaming service. Use the script to help determine the domain names used by a website or streaming service.
The autoscan.sh script will list the domain name query records for a website or streaming service found in dnsmasq.log. autoscan.sh will return a summary of the top level domain names in IPSET dnsmasq format followed by a list of the query records in Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) format. Similarly, the script can also be used to display the dnsmasq reply records in FQDN format for those IPv4 addresses that were added to the IPSET list.
The ASN Lookup Tool is used to search ASN/IPv4/IPv6/Prefix/ASPath/Organization lookup.
The ASN Lookup Tool will perform an AS path trace (using mtr in raw mode and retrieving AS data from the results) for single IPs or DNS results, optionally reporting detailed data for each hop, such as organization/network name, geographic location, etc.
It is also possible to search by organization name in order to retrieve a list of IPv4/6 network ranges related to a given company. A multiple choice menu will be presented if more than one organization matches the search query. See the usage instructions on the ASN Lookup Tool README.
The entware packages bash, bind-host, mtr and whois will be installed.
For help and support, please visit the Asuswrt-Merlin x3mRouting support thread on snbforums.com.
- An Asus router with Asuswrt-Merlin firmware installed.
- A USB drive with entware installed. Entware can be installed using amtm - the SNBForum Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu
- Policy Rules (Strict) or Policy Rules enabled on the OpenVPN Client Screen.
I used Amazon Prime, BBC, CBS All Access, Hulu, Netflix and Sling streaming media services in developing the project and include them in the usage examples below.
Please beware that Amazon Prime, BBC, Hulu and Netflix block known VPN servers. If you want a VPN provider who can circumvent the VPN blocks, see my blog post Why I use Torguard as my VPN Provider to learn more.
Copy and paste the command below into an SSH session:
sh -c "$(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Xentrk/x3mRouting/master/Install_x3mRouting.sh)"
This command will download and install the installation menu x3mRouting_Menu.sh to the /jffs/addons/x3mRouting directory. The installation script is a menu with options to install the four options described below, including options to update or remove the x3mRouting files in /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting. To access the installation menu, type the command x3mMenu. Option [7] Update x3mRouting Menu will only appear when a new installation menu is detected on the GitHub repository. Option [u] Update x3mRouting to Version 2.0.0 will only appear if you have the prior version of x3mRouting installed.
Requirement: DHCP static lease reservations must first be created for each LAN Client in the LAN-DHCP Screen.
In the Asuswrt-Merlin firmware, one must type the IP address of each LAN client into the Policy Routing section of the OpenVPN Client Screen in order to assign the LAN client to the VPN Client interface. If you have many LAN clients, the process of entering the IP address and other required information can be time consuming - especially after performing a factory reset.
The x3mRouting LAN Client method is an alternative approach to assigning LAN clients to a WAN or VPN Client interface. If you have many LAN clients to assign to the interface, the scripts will eliminate the manual effort involved in typing the DHCP IP address of each LAN client in the Policy Routing section of the OpenVPN Client Screen. You can still use the OpenVPN Client Screen to assign LAN clients in addition to using this feature. The two methods can coexist.
x3mRouting_client_config.sh is run automatically when installing LAN Client Routing. The script will create the file /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting_client_rules which contains a separate line for each LAN client with a static DHCP IP address assignment. Each line contains three fields separated by a space. The first field is a number representing the interface assignment (0=WAN, 1=OVPNC1 to 5=OVPNC5) followed by the LAN client IP address and LAN client description.
By default, the script assigns each LAN client to the OVPNC1 interface. After running the script, edit the /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting_client_rules file and assign the interface to each LAN client. Instructions on how to assign the interface to each LAN client are located at the top of the file.
# Assign the interface for each LAN client by entering #
# the appropriate interface number in the first column #
# 0 = WAN #
# 1 = OVPNC1 #
# 2 = OVPNC2 #
# 3 = OVPNC3 #
# 4 = OVPNC4 #
# 5 = OVPNC5 #
0 SamsungTV
1 Samsung-Phone
2 Asus-Laptop
2 iPad
1 Lenovo-Laptop
If an existing /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting_client_rules file exists, a backup copy of the existing x3mRouting_client_rules file is made by appending the timestamp to the existing file. You only need to run this script if you have made changes to DHCP static assignments or deleted the /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting_client_rules file and all backups.
x3mRouting_client_nvram.sh script will create the nvram files for VPN Clients in the /jffs/addons/x3mRouting directory based on the interface assignments in /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting_client_rules. An nvram file will not be created in the /jffs/addons/x3mRouting/ directory for LAN clients assigned to use the WAN interface. The OpenVPN Client is then restarted to apply the routing assignments.
The routing rules for LAN Clients will automatically be applied upon a system boot. You only need to rerun x3mRouting_client_nvram.sh if you have made LAN Client interface assignment changes in the /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting_client_rules file.
As part of this project, you can also choose to install a modified OpenVPN Client Screen to selectively route IPSET lists through a VPN Client. @Martineau coded the revisions to the OpenVPN Client Screen as a proof of concept on how the Policy Rules section could be modified to incorporate the selective routing of IPSET lists. The screen has been adapted for x3mRouting to allow the routing of IPSET lists to the WAN interface to support VPN Bypass Routing.
Starting with Asuswrt-Merlin 384.18, the default Source IP address is null. You can still specify "" as the Source IP address on the screen. But it will be converted and stored as a null value to save nvram space. When the Source IP address is null, the routing rule will apply to all LAN Clients. Alternatively, you can specify a LAN Client IPv4 addresses or CIDR as the Source IP address for both LAN Clients and IPSET lists.
If you prefer to use the modified OpenVPN Client Screen, create the IPSET list without specifying the source and destination interfaces. The IPSET list must then be entered in the policy routing section.
If you create the IPSET list and specify the source and destination interfaces, no further action is required. x3mRouting will automatically manage the IPSET routing rules using the features of openvpn-event.
The advantage of the screen is that it provides a visual depiction of what IPSET lists are being routed or bypassed through the OpenVPN Client. The disadvantage is the extra step required to manually enter the IPSET list in the screen. Note the known issues and work around solutions in the Caveat Emptor section before making a decision on using the modified OpenVPN Client Screen.
The OpenVPN Client Screen accepts single and two dimension IPSET lists. See the IPSET Man Page for information. For most x3mRouting use cases, specify 'DST' as the first dimension and leave the second dimension empty to route an IPSET list to the VPN or WAN interface.
Note the DummyVPN1 entry in the screen above. For the selective routing of IPSETs, creating a “dummy” VPN Client entry is required if no routing rules exist for LAN clients and you need to exploit the Accept DNS Configuration=Exclusive feature. The appropriate DNSVPN iptables chain rules will only get created if the routing table isn't empty in the OpenVPN Client Screen. Use a bogon IP address for this purpose. Use the word "DummyVPN" as the first eight characters followed by the number of the VPN Client. This will prevent a Routing Policy Database Rule (RPDB) reservation from getting created for the DummyVPN entry.
The "dummy" VPN Client entry is also a work around solution for an issue with the modified screen. Applying changes to the screen will not work if there are IPSET entries in the IPSET routing table but no client entries in the client routing table. The "dummy" VPN Client entry in the routing client traffic tables solves the problem. If this condition is encountered, a warning message will be displayed.
If you delete a LAN Client entry in the policy routing table, then add another LAN Client entry before applying the change, the IPSET lists in the policy routing table will disappear when the Add button is selected. The work around solution is to first apply the deletion entry. Then, add the revised entry and apply the change.
I welcome collaboration with other developers to help resolve these issues.
Running x3mRouting will automatically create the script entry in /jffs/scripts/nat-start/. Placing the script entry in /jffs/scripts/nat-start will execute the scripts at system boot or during a firewall restart event. The features of openvpn-event are not used for the routing of IPSET lists entered in the modified OpenVPN Client Screen. openvpn-event is installed to support the routing functions available in x3mRouting that don't require the use of the modified OpenVPN Client Screen:
- VPN Client Routing
- VPN Client Bypass Routing
- VPN Server to VPN Client Routing
- VPN Server to IPSET List Routing
To create an IPSET list, x3mRouting requires that one of the following methods be specified.
- AMAZON AWS Region Method
- ASN Method
- dnsmasq Method
- dnsmasq Method with autoscan
- dnsmasq Method with the 'dnsmasq_file=' parameter
If no method is specified, x3mRouting will default to the Manual Method. You can also manually create an IPSET list using the Manual Method with 'ip='.
You must specify the 'ipset_name=' parameter when no routing rules are specified. Use the OpenVPN Client Screen to create the routing rules.
- Required parameters are listed inside the braces { }
- Optional parameters are listed inside of the brackets [ ]
x3mRouting {ipset_name=}
['autoscan='keyword1[,keyword2]...] # Scans for keywords and creates IPSET list using the dnsmasq method
['asnum='asnum[,asnum]...] # ASN method
['aws_region='US[,EU]...] # Amazon method
['dnsmasq='domain[,domain]...] # dnsmasq method
['dnsmasq_file='] # Equivalent to dnsmasq method
['ip='ip[,ip][,cidr]...] # Equivalent to manual method
['dir='save_restore_location] # if 'dir' not specified, defaults to /opt/tmp
['del'] # Delete IPSET list and all configuration settings.
# **Will prompt** for permission to delete any files if only a
# shebang exists
['del=force'] # Force delete the IPSET list and all configuration settings
# if only a shebang exists. **Will not** prompt for permission before deleting a
# file if only a shebang exists.
Create IPSET list NETFLIX using AS2906 as the source
x3mRouting ipset_name=NETFLIX asnum=AS2906
Create IPSET list AMAZON_US created from Amazon US region
x3mRouting ipset_name=AMAZON_US aws_region=US
Create IPSET list NETFLIX using the dnsmasq method
x3mRouting ipset_name=NETFLIX dnsmasq=netflix.com,nflxext.com,nflximg.net,nflxso.net,nflxvideo.net
Search dnsmasq.log file for domains that contain the keyword "amazon" and create the IPSET list AMAZON from the domains collected using the dnsmasq method. You can view the domains collected by looking at the corresponding entry in /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add or by looking at the script entry in /jffs/scripts/nat-start
x3mRouting ipset_name=AMAZON autoscan=amazon
Rather than specify the top level domains in a list, you can enter them in a file.
x3mRouting ipset_name=NETFLIX dnsmasq_file=/jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/NETFLIX_DOMAINS
Create IPSET list BBC using the manual method
x3mRouting ipset_name=BBC
Create IPSET list WIMIPCOM created from the IPv4 addresses provided.
x3mRouting ipset_name=WIMIPCOM ip=,
Create IPSET list BBC using the manual method. Use the 'dir=' location as the backup/restore location
x3mRouting ipset_name=BBC dir=/tmp/mnt/RT-AC88U/mylists
x3mRouting ipset_name=MYIPSET del
Running x3mRouting will automatically perform the set-up. The features of openvpn-event are used to create the routing rule during a VPN Client up event and remove the routing rule during a VPN Client down event. /jffs/scripts/nat-start is used to execute the scripts at system boot or during a firewall restart event.
To create an IPSET list, x3mRouting requires that one of the following methods be specified
- AMAZON AWS Region Method
- ASN Method
- dnsmasq Method
- dnsmasq Method with autoscan
- dnsmasq Method with 'dnsmasq_file=' parameter
If no method is specified, x3mRouting will default to the Manual Method. You can also manually create an IPSET list using the Manual Method with 'ip='.
Optional 'src=' and 'src_range=' parameters provides the option to specify the source IP address or source IP address ranges of LAN devices you want the routing rules to be applied to.
x3mRouting will create an IPSET list containing all IPv4 address for the Amazon AWS region(s) specified. The source file used by the script is provided by Amazon at https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json. You must specify the 'aws_region=' parameter and one or more of the regions below, separated by a comma, when creating the IPSET list:
- AP - Asia Pacific
- CA - Canada
- CN - China
- EU - European Union
- SA - South America
- US - USA
- GV - USA Government
- GLOBAL - Global
x3mRouting will create an IPSET list using the AS Number specified using the 'asnum=' parameter and one or more valid AS numbers separated by a comma. The IPv4 addresses are downloaded from bgpview.io/.
You must specify the 'dnsmasq=' parameter and one or more domain names separated by a comma.
This method will search dnsmasq.log for domain names that match the search criteria specified on the 'autoscan=' parameter. One or more search criteria can be provided using a comma delimited list. The domains collected will be used to create an IPSET list using the dnsmasq method.
Rather than specifying the domain names in a list, you can specify a file location using the 'dnsmasq_file=' parameter. The format of the file is one top level domain name per line.
The manual method is used to create IPSET lists from a file in the backup/restore directory containing the IPv4 addresses and/or IPv4 CIDR format that you created manually, either using an editor, script or other method to populate the file with IPv4 addresses.
The manual method with 'ip=' parameter is used to create IPSET lists from one or more IP addresses separated by a comma.
- Required parameters are listed inside the braces { }
- Optional parameters are listed inside of the brackets [ ]
- Valid parameter values are listed in parenthesis ( ). The vertical lines "|" are used to separate the values in the list. Example: (1|2|both)
Provides the ability to:
- Create and selectively route IPSET lists to the VPN Client interface or bypass a VPN Client interface for all traffic or specific devices.
- Route VPN Server traffic to one of the VPN Clients.
- Selectively route VPN Server traffic to an existing IPSET list routing rule.
x3mRouting {src iface} (ALL|1|2|3|4|5)
{dst iface} (0|1|2|3|4|5)
**START: src/dst usage notes**
Valid SRC and DST Combinations
1) VPN Client Routing
- Use this SRC and DST combination to route all IPSET list traffic to a VPN Client:
ALL 1, ALL 2, ALL 3, ALL 4, ALL 5
2) VPN Bypass Routing
- Use this SRC and DST combination to bypass the VPN Client for an IPSET list and route to the WAN interface:
1 0, 2 0, 3 0, 4 0, 5 0
**END: src/dst usage notes**
['autoscan='keyword1[,keyword2]...] # Scans for keywords and creates IPSET list using the dnsmasq method
['asnum='asnum[,asnum]...] # ASN method
['aws_region='US[,EU]...] # Amazon method
['dnsmasq='domain[,domain]...] # dnsmasq method
['dnsmasq_file='/path/to/file] # Equivalent to dnsmasq method
['ip='ip[,ip][,cidr]...] # Equivalent to manual method
['src='src_ip] # Apply rule to IP address
['src_range='from_ip-to_ip] # Apply rule to IP address range
['dir='save_restore_location] # if 'dir' not specified, defaults to /opt/tmp
['del'] # Delete IPSET list and all configuration settings.
# **Will prompt** for permission to delete any files if only a
# shebang exists
['del=force'] # Force delete the IPSET list and all configuration settings
# if only a shebang exists. **Will not** prompt for permission before deleting a
# file if only a shebang exists.
x3mRouting {'server='1|2|both} {'client='1|2|3|4|5} ['del']
x3mRouting {'server='1|2|both} {'ipset_name='IPSET[,IPSET]...} ['del']
Usage examples are provided below for the following routing functions:
- VPN Client Routing
- VPN Client Bypass Routing
- VPN Server to VPN Client Routing
- VPN Server to IPSET List Routing
- Delete an IPSET List, all Routing Rules and cru Jobs
- Delete a VPN Server to VPN Client Routing Rule
- Delete a VPN Server to IPSET list Routing Rule
Use this approach to route IPSET traffic to a VPN Client.
Route all traffic matching IPSET list NETFLIX created from AS2906 to VPN Client1.
x3mRouting ALL 1 NETFLIX asnum=AS2906
Route all traffic matching IPSET list BBC created from AS2818 and AS31459 to VPN Client1.
x3mRouting ALL 1 BBC asnum=AS2818,AS31459
Route all traffic matching IPSET list NETFLIX created from AS2906 to VPN Client1 from LAN device
x3mRouting ALL 1 NETFLIX asnum=AS2906 src=
Route all traffic matching IPSET list AMAZON_US created from the AWS US region to VPN Client 1.
x3mRouting ALL 1 AMAZON_US aws_region=US
Route all traffic matching IPSET list AMAZON created from the AWS US and CA regions to VPN Client 1.
x3mRouting ALL 1 AMAZON aws_region=US,CA
Route IP address ranges traffic matching IPSET list AMAZON_US created from the Amazon US region to VPN Client 1.
x3mRouting ALL 1 AMAZON_US aws_region=US src_range=
Route all traffic matching IPSET list NETFLIX created from domain names to VPN Client1.
x3mRouting ALL 1 NETFLIX dnsmasq=netflix.com,nflxext.com,nflximg.net,nflxso.net,nflxvideo.net
Search dnsmasq.log file for domains that contain the keyword "amazon" and create the IPSET list AMAZON from the domains collected using the dnsmasq method. You can view the domains collected by looking at the corresponding entry in /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add or by looking at the script entry in /jffs/scripts/nat-start
x3mRouting ALL 1 AMAZON autoscan=amazon
Search dnsmasq.log file for domains that contain the keywords "amazonaws", "netflix" and "nflx" and create the IPSET list AMZ_NFLX using the dnsmasq method.
Rather than specify the top level domains in a list, you can enter them in a file.
x3mRouting ALL 1 NETFLIX dnsmasq_file=/jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/NETFLIX_DOMAINS
Route all traffic matching IPSET list WIMIPCOM to VPN Client 1.
x3mRouting ALL 1 WIMIPCOM
Route all traffic matching IPSET list WIMIPCOM to VPN Client 1 using the /mnt/ASUS/mylists directory as the save/restore location.
x3mRouting ALL 1 WIMIPCOM dir=/mnt/ASUS/mylists
Route all VPN Client 1 traffic matching IPSET list WIMIPCOM created from the IPv4 addresses provided.
x3mRouting ALL 1 WIMIPCOM ip=,
Use this approach to bypass the VPN Client for traffic matching an IPSET list and route to the WAN interface. This approach is often used when a rule to route the entire LAN (e.g. thru a VPN Client exists in the Policy Routing section of the OpenVPN Client Screen and an exception needs to be made to bypass the VPN Client for a service that blocks known VPN Servers.
Route VPN Client 1 traffic matching IPSET list NETFLIX to WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 NETFLIX asnum=AS2906
Route VPN Client 1 traffic from matching IPSET list NETFLIX to WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 NETFLIX asnum=AS2906 src=
Route VPN Client 1 traffic matching IPSET list AMAZON_US to WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 AMAZON_US aws_region=US
Route VPN Client 1 traffic from matching IPSET list AMAZON_US to WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 AMAZON_US aws_region=US src_range=
Route all VPN Client 1 traffic matching IPSET list WIMIPCOM to the WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 WIMIPCOM dnsmasq=whatismyip.com
Route all VPN Client 1 traffic matching IPSET list NETFLIX to the WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 NETFLIX dnsmasq=netflix.com,nflxext.com,nflximg.net,nflxso.net,nflxvideo.net
Route VPN Client 1 traffic from matching IPSET list NETFLIX to WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 NETFLIX dnsmasq=netflix.com,nflxext.com,nflximg.net,nflxso.net,nflxvideo.net src=
Route VPN Client 1 traffic from matching IPSET list NETFLIX to WAN created from domains stored in /jffs/scripts/NETFLIX_DOMAINS.
x3mRouting 1 0 NETFLIX dnsmasq_file=/jffs/scripts/NETFLIX_DOMAINS src=
Route all VPN Client 1 traffic matching IPSET list WIMIPCOM to the WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 WIMIPCOM
Route all VPN Client 1 traffic matching IPSET list WIMIPCOM created from the IPv4 addresses provided to the WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 WIMIPCOM ip=,
Route VPN Client 1 traffic from matching IPSET list WIMIPCOM to the WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 WIMIPCOM src=
Route VPN Client 1 traffic from matching IPSET list WIMIPCOM to WAN.
x3mRouting 1 0 WIMIPCOM src_range=
Route from VPN Server 1,2 or both to VPN Client 1,2,3,4 or 5.
x3mRouting server=1 client=1
x3mRouting server=2 client=1
x3mRouting server=both client=1
Route from VPN Server 1,2 or both the same routing rules for the IPSET list PANDORA.
x3mRouting server=1 ipset_name=PANDORA
x3mRouting server=2 ipset_name=PANDORA
x3mRouting server=both ipset_name=PANDORA
Route from VPN Server 1 to the IPSET lists PANDORA and NETFLIX.
x3mRouting server=1 ipset_name=PANDORA,NETFLIX
- The IPSET list must exist!
- A PREROUTING rule must currently exist so the script can determine the VPN Client to route to!
Either option listed below will work. The first example is the easiest as there is no requirement to specify the interfaces or method.
x3mRouting ipset_name=MYIPSET del
x3mRouting ALL 1 NETFLIX del
VPN Server to VPN Client routing rules require the VPN Server and Client to properly remove the iptables rules.
x3mRouting server=1 client=1 del
VPN Server to IPSET list routing rules require the VPN Server and IPSET name to properly remove the iptables rules.
x3mRouting server=1 ipset_name=PANDORA del
getdomainnames.sh script will create a uniquely sorted list of domain names from dnsmasq.log that you collected by accessing a website or streaming service. Use the script when analyzing domains used by a website or streaming service. The script requires that the dnsmasq.log file exists in the /opt/var/log directory. You must first enable dnsmasq logging if it's not enabled using the instructions below. You can also enabling dnsmasq logging by installing Diversion, the Router Ad-Blocker for Asuswrt-Merlin.
- Navigate to the /jffs/configs directory e.g cd /jffs/config
- Use your SFTP or SSH client to create the dnsmasq.conf.add file
- Add the following entry to /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add:
- Save and exit dnsmasq.conf.add
- Restart dnsmasq
service restart_dnsmasq
- Navigate to the /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting file directory (e.g. cd /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting).
- Run the script (e.g. sh getdomainnames.sh).
- You will be prompted for a file name that will be used to store the domain names collected.
- Next, you will be prompted for the IPv4 address of the device you are using to perform the lookups.
- When prompted, go to the website or access the streaming service and select each option to generate traffic and collect domain names.
- When done, type Ctrl-C to stop collecting domain names.
- The domain names collected will appear on the screen. They are also stored in the file you specified in the /opt/var/log directory for future reference.
autoscan.sh can be used to search for terms in dnsmasq.log. You can specify one or more search term by separating the search terms with a comma.
The autoscan.sh script will list the domain name query records for a website or streaming service found in dnsmasq.log. autoscan.sh will return a summary of the top level domain names in IPSET dnsmasq format followed by a list of the query records in Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) format. Similarly, the script can also be used to display the dnsmasq reply records in FQDN format for those IPv4 addresses that were added to the IPSET list.
Display query records
sh autoscan.sh scan=disney
sh autoscan.sh scan=netflix,nflx
sh autoscan.sh scan=hbo,hbomax
Display Fully Qualified Domain Name(FQDN) added to IPSET list
sh autoscan.sh ipset_name=HBOMAX
sh autoscan.sh ipset_name=NETFLIX,HBOMAX
Scan dnsmasq log for query records that contain "hbo".
sh autoscan.sh scan=hbo
IPSET Format
FQDN Format
Display the domain name reply records whose IPv4 addresses were added to the IPSET list specified
sh autoscan.sh ipset_name=HBOMAX
FQDN added to HBOMAX
Search for ASN/IPv4/IPv6/Prefix/ASPath/Organization. ASN Lookup Tool Usage Instructions
Open up a desktop browser session and go to the home page for the streaming service. Right click on the page and select the option to view the page source code. In Firefox, the option is View Page Source. Search for the words ".com" and ".net".
Use the "Follow the log file" option of Diversion ad blocker to filter the log file view by LAN Client to see what domain names are being looked up.
Use the site https://bgp.he.net to find AS Numbers for streaming services. You can type the name of the streaming service in the search box or an IP address.
Alternatively, you can use the nslookup command to find the IP address of a domain name. Then use the whob command to find the AS Number and subnet address for the IP address.
# nslookup occ-0-1077-1062.1.nflxso.net
Address 1: localhost.localdomain
Name: occ-0-1077-1062.1.nflxso.net
Address 1: 2a00:86c0:600:96::138 ipv6_1.lagg0.c009.lax004.ix.nflxvideo.net
Address 3: ipv4_1.lagg0.c003.lax004.ix.nflxvideo.net
# whob
Origin-AS: 2906
AS-Path: 20912 3257 3356 2906
AS-Org-Name: Netflix Streaming Services Inc.
Org-Name: Netflix Streaming Services Inc.
Net-Name: SSI-CDN-2
Cache-Date: 1590306161
Latitude: 39.738008
Longitude: -75.550353
City: Wilmington
Region: Delaware
Country: United States
Country-Code: US
Use the subnet address to validate the entry exists in the IPSET list:
ipset -L NETFLIX | grep
The install script will add a function to /jffs/configs/profile.add called liststats that will list the name of all IPSET lists and the number of IP address entries. To use the function, type liststats from the SSH command line (Note: For first time users, you must open up a new SSH session after running the installation script). Following is the sample output:
AMAZON - 326
BBC - 128
CBS - 57
CBS_WEB - 82
Display information about an IPSET list, type the command ipset -L ipset_name. For example, to display the information about the IPSET list NETFLIX, type: ipset -L NETFLIX
Type: hash:net
Revision: 6
Header: family inet hashsize 1024 maxelem 65536
Size in memory: 8044
References: 1
Number of entries: 150
Beware of duplicate hosts entries when using the dnsmasq method to populate an IPSET list. In the example below, the nslookup command will only populate the first IPSET list matched in /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add.
There was an update made to the firmware in 384.12 that appears to prevent IPSET lists from being populated when doing an nslookup on a domain name.
The router will now use ISP-provided resolvers instead of local dnsmasq when attempting to resolve addresses, for improved reliability. This reproduces how stock firmware behaves. This only affects name resolution done by the router itself, not by the LAN clients. The behavior can still be changed on the Tools -> Other Settings page -> Wan: Use local caching DNS server as system resolver (default: No).
Type the command
ip rule
to display the RPDB routing priority database rules for the VPN Server, VPN Server and LAN Clients:
0: from all lookup local
9990: from all fwmark 0x8000/0x8000 lookup main
9991: from all fwmark 0x3000/0x3000 lookup ovpnc5
9992: from all fwmark 0x7000/0x7000 lookup ovpnc4
9993: from all fwmark 0x4000/0x4000 lookup ovpnc3
9994: from all fwmark 0x2000/0x2000 lookup ovpnc2
9995: from all fwmark 0x1000/0x1000 lookup ovpnc1
10104: from lookup ovpnc1
10105: from lookup ovpnc1
10106: from lookup ovpnc1
10107: from lookup ovpnc1
10301: from lookup ovpnc2
10302: from lookup ovpnc2
10303: from lookup ovpnc2
32766: from all lookup main
32767: from all lookup default
Enter the following command to display the PREROUTING IPTABLES Chains for the mangle table:
iptables -nvL PREROUTING -t mangle --line
The output will display the number of packets and bytes traversing the iptables rule for each IPSET list which can be used as confirmation that traffic is being routed properly:
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 5808K packets, 6404M bytes)
num pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
1 1 60 MARK all -- tun13 * MARK xset 0x1/0x7
2 661K 863M MARK all -- tun15 * MARK xset 0x1/0x7
3 1 60 MARK all -- tun14 * MARK xset 0x1/0x7
4 76880 70M MARK all -- tun12 * MARK xset 0x1/0x7
5 2030K 2737M MARK all -- tun11 * MARK xset 0x1/0x7
6 0 0 MARK all -- tun21 * MARK xset 0x1/0x7
7 0 0 MARK all -- br0 * match-set NETFLIX dst MARK set 0x1000
8 1067K 60M MARK all -- br0 * match-set HULU_WEB dst MARK set 0x1000
9 33488 6945K MARK all -- br0 * match-set AMAZON dst MARK set 0x1000
10 129K 9898K MARK all -- br0 * match-set MOVETV dst MARK set 0x3000
11 27284 5635K MARK all -- br0 * match-set CBS_WEB dst MARK set 0x3000
12 0 0 MARK all -- br0 * match-set BBC dst MARK set 0x4000
Enter the following command to display the POSTROUTING IPTABLES Chains for the nat table:
iptables -nvL POSTROUTING -t nat --line
The output will display the number of packets and bytes traversing the iptables rule for the VPN Clients, VPN Server to VPN Client, and VPN Server to IPSET list routing which can be used as confirmation that traffic is being routed properly:
Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 258 packets, 30946 bytes)
num pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination
1 0 0 MASQUERADE all -- * tun15
2 0 0 MASQUERADE all -- * tun14
3 127 9282 MASQUERADE all -- * tun11
4 0 0 MASQUERADE all -- * tun13
5 1121 60169 MASQUERADE all -- * tun12
10 0 0 MASQUERADE all -- * tun11
11 0 0 MASQUERADE all -- * tun15
If you use an ad blocker, some domains may require whitelisting for the streaming service to properly playback video.
The installation menu x3mMenu will display a menu with the options to install, update the current installation or remove the project from the router. The following table lists the files that will be downloaded for each method.
Script Name | Option [1] | Option [2] | Option [3] | Option [4] |
x3mRouting_client_nvram.sh | X | |||
x3mRouting_client_config.sh | X | |||
updown-dns.sh | X | |||
x3mvpnrouting.sh | X | X | ||
mount_files_gui.sh | X | |||
Advanced_OpenVPNClient_Content.asp | X | |||
x3mRouting.sh | X | X | ||
openvpn-event | X | X | ||
getdomainnames.sh | X | |||
autoscan.sh | X | |||
asn | X |
I want to acknowledge the following snbforums members who helped make this project possible.
- Martineau has, and continues to be, very generous in sharing his VPN and Selective Routing expertise with me over the past several years. This project was only made possible through his support and collaboration.
As part of the ongoing collaboration, Martineau had modified a selective routing script I wrote for routing Netflix traffic and enhanced it by enabling the passing of parameters. The enhancements made the script more user friendly by eliminating the need for users to edit scripts to meet their use case requirements. The enhancements have been applied to all of the IPSET scripts.
Martineau also contributed the modified OpenVPN Client Screen and Chk_Entware function used in the project.
Adamm contributed the code for restoring the IPSET lists using the awk method and the md5sum check function to detect updated code on GitHub were also inspired by Adamm.
For the installation script, Jack Yaz gave me permission to clone the code he used for the update code function (also inspired by Adamm) used on the SpdMerlin project on GitHub.
Gratitude to the thelonelycoder, also known as the Decoderman on GitHub, for including x3mRouting in amtm - the SNBForum Asuswrt-Merlin Terminal Menu.
Thank you to RMerlin for the Asuswrt-Merlin firmware and helpful support on the snbforums.com website. To learn more about Asuswrt-Merlin firmware for Asus routers, visit the project website at https://www.asuswrt-merlin.net/.
I appreciate the collaboration with Maghuro who provided testing support for HND routers and contributed patches to accommodate the handling of the VPN Client clientlist nvram parms.
I want to also acknowledge the contributions of those who participated in the testing of x3mRouting Version 2.0.0: Luizlp10, SomeWhereOverTheRainBow, TechTinkerer, and Torson
The command to access the x3mRouting menu has been changed from x3mRouting to x3mMenu. A patch was also applied to fix the issue of code output appearing when exiting the menu after performing an update to the x3mRouting menu.
The separate scripts for:
- IPSET list creation and routing using the ASN, Amazon AWS, dnsmasq and manual methods
- VPN Server to VPN Client routing (route_all_vpnserver.sh)
- VPN Server to IPSET routing (route_ipset_vpnserver.sh)
have been removed and the features combined into one script called x3mRouting.sh.
x3mRouting has been configured as a command with a symbolic link to /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting.sh. This allows x3mRouting to be run from any location without specifying the path or "sh" command.
The method used to create the IPSET list is passed to x3mRouting as a parameter. If the ASN, Amazon AWS or dnsmasq parameter is not specified, x3mRouting will default to the manual method.
Running x3mRouting will automatically perform the set-up.
- /jffs/scripts/nat-start is used to execute the scripts at system boot or during a firewall restart event.
- The features of openvpn-event are used to create the routing rule during a VPN Client up event and remove the routing rule during a VPN Client down event when the source and destination interfaces are specified.
Simplified the ability to delete an IPSET list and associated routing rules, nat-start and openvpn-event files, and cru jobs for VPN Client IPSET routing rules by passing the 'ipset_name=' and 'del' parameters to x3mRouting.sh. Deleting VPN Server to VPN Client and VPN Server to IPSET list routing rules still require that all parameters used to create the routing rules be specified in addition to the 'del' parameter.
VPN Server to VPN Client routing feature of x3mRouting.sh
- The x3mRouting.sh script will create the required VPN Server nvram entry, eliminating the need to manually enter the VPN Server IP address in the OpenVPN Client Screen. The VPN Client will be restarted for the update to take effect.
VPN Server to VPN Client and VPN Server to IPSET List
- The IP address of the VPN Server in the openvpn-event up/down scripts is no longer hard coded. Instead, the 'nvram get' command in the openvpn-event up/down scripts will be used to obtain the IP address of the VPN Server. This will eliminate the need to rerun the x3mRouting.sh script if the VPN Server IP address is changed.
- Routing rules will now be applied during an VPN Client up event rather than a VPN Server up event. Based on user feedback, the routing from the VPN Server to the VPN Client would stop working after a VPN Client up/down event, even though the iptables rules were still in effect.
- Added ability to specify
- more than one ASN when using the ASN method
- more than one AWS region when using the Amazon AWS method
- one or more IPv4 address when creating an IPSET list.
- one or more search criteria for domain names when using the 'autoscan' option.
- that a routing rule to be applied to a single LAN IP addresses or IP address range.
- one or more IPSET lists for VPN Server to IPSET routing.
- Added ability to display usage notes by passing the 'help' parameter
x3mRouting help
- The script x3mRouting_client_config.sh now stores the output file x3mRouting_client_config in /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting rather than /jffs/configs.
- The script x3mRouting_client_nvram.sh now stores the nvram files in /jffs/addons/x3mRouting rather than /jffs/configs.
- The x3mRouting support files Advanced_OpenVPNClient_Content.asp, updown-dns.sh, x3mvpnrouting.sh, and x3mRouting_Menu.sh files are stored in /jffs/addons/x3mRouting rather than the project repository directory /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting.
You won't be able to update to Version 2.0.0 using the existing x3mRouting Menu due to the installation menu changes described above.
- Copy and paste the command below into an SSH session to download the new x3mRouting menu.
sh -c "$(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Xentrk/x3mRouting/master/Install_x3mRouting.sh)"
- After the download of the x3mRouting Installation Menu has completed, select the [u] Update x3mRouting to Version 2.0.0 option.
During the update process, x3mRouting will:
- Make a backup of /jffs/scripts/nat-start and copy the x3mRouting directory contents to /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/backup.
- Remove obsolete x3mRouting scripts.
- Remove obsolete x3mRouting script in /opt/bin.
- Any LAN Client Routing nvram files that exist in /jffs/configs will get moved to /jffs/addons/x3mRouting and the x3mRouting_client_rules to /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting.
- /jffs/scripts/nat-start and openvpn-event files in the /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting directory will be scanned for references to the old scripts or routing rules. A conversion file will get created in /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting_Conversion.sh containing the new script entries.
- Backup /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add if it exists and delete any 'ipset=' entries. 'ipset=' entries will get recreated when you run the conversion script.
- Remove prior x3mRouting version entries found in /jffs/scripts/nat-start or vpnclientX-route-up files. If only a #!/bin/sh or comment lines exist, the user will be prompted to remove the file. The recommendation is to select the option to remove the file. A backup of nat-start and the local x3mRouing repository exists in case you need to recover.
- Update the remaining x3mRouting scripts to the new version.
- View the /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting_Conversion.sh script and validate.
- A line showing the prior entry and file source will be shown with the new entry.
- Entries involving routing to the WAN interface may require an edit as the new version requires the VPN Client number to bypass be specified in order to peform the setup and configuration. The conversion utility will default to VPN Client 1 as the VPN Client to bypass. If necessary, edit the '1' to be the VPN Client number '1-5' you want to bypass.
- If you have an entry for **VPN Server to IPSET List" routing, you must validate that the entry for creating the IPSET list is run before the VPN Server to IPSET List entry. Otherwise, the **VPN Server to IPSET List" entry will fail since the IPSET list and associated routing rules do not exist.
- When done, save the conversion script and execute it (e.g. sh x3mRouting_Conversion.sh).
# Source File====> /jffs/scripts/nat-start
# Original Entry=> sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/load_DNSMASQ_ipset_iface.sh 5 MOVETV movetv.com
sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting.sh ALL 5 MOVETV dnsmasq=movetv.com
# Source File====> /jffs/scripts/nat-start
# Original Entry=> sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/load_DNSMASQ_ipset_iface.sh 2 PANDORA pandora.com
sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting.sh ALL 2 PANDORA dnsmasq=pandora.com
# If the source VPN Client you want to bypass is '1', then no changes are required.
# Otherwise, edit the '1' to be a valid VPN Client number '1-5'
# Source File====> /jffs/scripts/nat-start
# Original Entry=> sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/load_DNSMASQ_ipset_iface.sh 0 WIMIPCOM whatismyipaddress.com
sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting.sh 1 0 WIMIPCOM dnsmasq=whatismyipaddress.com
# Found VPN Server to IPSET list iptables entries in /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/vpnserver1-up
sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting.sh server=1 ipset_name=PANDORA
# Found VPN Server to VPN Client iptables entries in /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/vpnserver1-up
sh /jffs/scripts/x3mRouting/x3mRouting.sh server=1 client=1
After execution, the IPSET list and associated routing rules, if specified, will be created along with the required entries in /jffs/scripts/nat-start and appropriate openvpn-event up/down files.
Run the commands below to validate VPN Server POSTROUTING and VPN Client PREROUTING rules. POSTROUTING rules only get created for VPN Server to VPN Client and VPN Server to IPSET List rules.
iptables -nvL POSTROUTING -t nat --line
iptables -nvL PREROUTING -t mangle --line
- Run the ip rule command to validate RPDB rules.