This starter theme is based on Emi, Underscores theme and uses Node, Gulp, SASS and Bootstrap.
Find and replace the following strings. Keep the same general format:
> Theme Name
> Theme_Name
> theme_name
> theme-name
Run following commands on theme folder:
- npm install
- gulp
- or gulp watch
This theme uses Gulp to automate the following tasks:
- Sass preprocessing
- Auto browser prefixing (via Autoprefixer)
- Concat JS
- Minify CSS, JS, Images
It also watches changes to files for use with LiveReload
ASSETS folder contains all scripts, images, fonts, vendor (3rd party libraries), etc.. DIST folder contains all minified/processed files that are loaded via the theme. INC folder contains custom functions, post types, admin & login customization and other settings.. SCSS folder contains styles for final main css file.