Hey! If you're here, you're probably looking for the source, aren't you? Looking to contribute? Perfect!
We're using Sphinx with ReadTheDocs to run the Guide. For those unfamiliar with it, we suggest you look into the basics of reStructuredText. We do have the option for Markdown, however i18n may become an issue, so going forward we will be investing in Sphinx.
To setup your development environment, run pip install -r requirements.txt
We've included sphinx-autobuild
with the guide, so if you want to use live-reload, run make livehtml
(or ./make.bat livehtml
) and visit http://localhost:8000 to see your changes.
We're working on enabling proper i18n
for the guide! Ping Xylotrupes#6278 or EzraEn#4291 to have your work included!