This is a server-side code that servers client-end code found here.
- It sends an image URL to the client (or user) which it recognize.
- The image is downloaded by the user from this URL.
- The user then draws a sketch and write a caption and sends it back to the server.
- The server verifies the client (or user) and saves the sketch and caption in a JSON file.
- Assumption: size of the data collection is small like 1GB. There is no database linked to it. A large-scale data collection needs a separate database (like MongoDB etc.)
author: pinakinathc
- Install NodeJS and NPM. You can check this link to know how to install NodeJS and NPM.
git clone
cd SketchX-SST
npm init
(this creates a dummy all_data.json file. Modify it for your own future use.)node --max-old-space-size=7168 index.js
- If you are using your personal computer, your web server is now running at Go to
- If you are using something like AWS, GCP or Linode or have a Public IP then, Go to
http://<Your Public IP>:8000
- Install Numpy, OpenCV,
pip install bresenham
- Rendered Sketches are generated inside
- Create an issue in this repository.
- Drop an email at:
[email protected]