This is a simple restaurant list application built using Express.js and Handlebars. It allows you to display a list of restaurants, view detailed information, and search for restaurants.
Please ensure you have installed the following software and packages:
- Node.js v14.17.0
- npm v6.14.13
Please follow the steps below to install and run this project:
- Clone this project to your local machine:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd restaurant-list
- Install the necessary packages:
npm install
- Start the server:
npm run dev
- Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000 to use the application.
- Display basic information of all restaurants on the homepage (including restaurant photo, name, category, and rating).
- Click on a restaurant to view detailed information (including category, address, phone, description, and image).
- Search for specific restaurants by name or category.
- Node.js v14.17.0
- Express v4.17.1
- Express-handlebars v3.0.0
- Body-parser v1.19.0