This is a library plus a test harness for collecting algorithms that use the GraphBLAS. It contains the following files and folders:
CMakeLists.txt: a CMake script for compiling. Do not run cmake in this
top-level directory. Do "make" here, which does the build in the
./build directory:
( cd build ; cmake .. ; make )
Doc: documentation
Include: contains the LAGraph.h file
LICENSE: BSD 2-clause license
Makefile: a simple Makefile that relies on CMake to build LAGraph. this file
Source: source code for the LAGraph library
* Algorithms: graph algorithms such as BFS, connected components,
centrality, etc, will go here
* Utilities: read/write a graph from a file, etc, will go here...
Test: main programs that test LAGraph. To run the tests, first compile
GraphBLAS and LAGraph, and then do "make tests" in this directory.
build: initially empty
To link against GraphBLAS, first install whatever GraphBLAS library you wish to use. LAGraph will use -lgraphblas and will include the GraphBLAS.h file from its installed location. Alternatively, the CMakeLists.txt script can use a relative directory:
../GraphBLAS: any GraphBLAS implementation.
So that LAGraph and GraphBLAS reside in the same parent folder. The include file for GraphBLAS will be assumed to appear in ../GraphBLAS/Include, and the compiled GraphBLAS library is assumed to appear in ../GraphBLAS/build. If you use a GraphBLAS library that uses a different structure, then edit the CMakeLists.txt file to point to right location.
Authors: (... list them here)