FanaticFi Heroku demonstrates the deployment process of FanaticFi – NBA Draft Rank Prediction is empowered by Support Vector Machines (SVM) machine learning model using the Flask application and Heroku cloud services. This user-friendly web application is going to predict whether NBA rookie’s draft rank is within the top 15 or below based on given player’s statistics.
Link to the web application click here
The process includes building a machine learning model, save the model, then create an API for the model, develop HTTP templates with css styles. Utilize predictive capabilities of the machine learning model through HTTP requests using Flask on a local website and finally deploy the API to Heroku cloud.
This project leverages python 3.7
Flask - deploy web applications in Python locally
Pandas - Data analysis and manipulation
Pickle - Serializing and deserializing a Python object structure
Scikit-learn - Supply machine learning tools and dependencies
Heroku - Deploy application into shareable web cloud
pip install Flask
pip install pandas
pip install pickle5
pip install -U scikit-learn
Collect data and data preprocessing
- Data credit Sports Reference
- Clean, regroup, scale, and split data to train machine learning model
Develope a machine learning model and save as a pkl file
- Choose Support Vector Machine model for binary classification
- Save model as a pickle file for later use
Flask preparation and deployment
uses pickle files, rendersindex.html
GUI, and connects Flaskindex.html
enables user interactive functions of the applicationstyles.css
render design and format ofindex.html
Go to the correct file directory and Run application using command line under the virtual environment contains all necessary dependencies
Then, copy and paste the given web address to browser and checkout the result of the API.
Heroku preparation and deployment
- Create new virtual environment using
conda create --name fanaticfi python=3.7
- Create
pip install gunicorn
echo "web: gunicorn app_basic:app" > Procfile
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Commit and Push all files to GitHub
Connect GitHub repository with Heroku
- Deploy branch to Heroku
- View application on global web page here
Yanjun Lin Andrie | email: [email protected] |