"# N-Vroue-Client-mobile"
Install NPM and node to manage the packets
- Install node
Install cordova and ionic to run the project
- npm install -g cordova ionic
Check if they are installed (version for ionic AND cordova should be displayed)
- ionic -v && cordova -v
Clone the git repository
- Open 'cmd'
- 'mkdir xxxxx' create xxxxx folder
- 'dir' shows the content of the folder
- 'cd xxx' to enter in the xxx folder
- 'git clone https://github.com/YannBonaudo/N-Vroue-Client-mobile.git'
- 'cd N-Vroue-Client-mobile'
- 'cd n.vroue'
- 'npm install' will install all the dependencies needed
- 'ionic serve' Will start the app
Save to the git repository
- 'git status', shows what has been modified and, in green, what is going to be commited
- 'git add .', adds all the red files/folders to the commit
- 'git commit -m "Message de commit"', create a commit local of the modification done
- 'git push' send the commit(s) to the github server