This project's aim is to simulate the trajectory of a water stream in a gravitational field and exposed to a charge. The stream is composed of water droplets (class Water) and is given a a radius, initial velocity and position, as well as a mass, charge and interaction potential parameters. The interaction between drops follows an attractive-repulsive potential similar to a Lennard-Jones potential. The charge (class Charge) has a fixed position and a charge. Both the charge and the droplet are considered to be points. Given a system (class System) with a specific gravitational constant and Coulomb constant, the position and velocity of the water droplet can be updated and plotted as a function of time.
- Python >= 3.5
- numpy
- matplotlib
To see and test the experiment simulation, simply run file on any IDE or in a terminal with the command:
python3 contains a generic use of the classes, in which parameters can be manually changed to test different setups. For instance, a system with the following initial parameters
gravity_constant = 9.81 #gravity constant on Earth's surface [m/s^2]
coulomb_constant = 8.988*pow(10,9) #Coulomb constant [N⋅m^2⋅C^−2]
miniumum_potential = 2*pow(10,-5) #Lennard-Jones well depth U(r_min) [J]
minimum_radius = 0.001 #Lennard-Jones minimum potential is 2r_min [m]
simulation_time = 1 #simulation time [s]
time_step = 0.01 #time step [s]
generation_time = 1 #time in which new water spawns [s]
######### WATER PARAMETERS #########
target_drop = 0 #drop in the first row targetted for tracking
water_velocity = np.array([0,-0.5]) #initial velocity of all water drops [m/s]
water_position = np.array([0.05,0.2]) #mean initial position of all water drops [m]
stream_radius = 0.01 #radius of the water stream [m]
charge_density = 5 * pow(10,-9) #charge density of the water [C/m^2]
mass_density = 1000 #mass density of water [kg/m^2]
######## CHARGE PARAMETERS #########
charge_position = [0,0] #position of the charge [m]
charge = -0.1 #value of the charge [C]
results in these outcomes for the trajectory animation:
The velocity and acceleration curves of the water drop with index 0 are: