gpm is a tool for managing Go projects.
gpm provides commands:
- To create boilerplate project directory
- To build project either using vendor or modules (inside/outside GOPATH)
- To add vendor support using modules
- To add module support (inside/outside GOPATH)
Supporting commands:
go get
$ gpm
gpm [command]
Available Commands:
build Build the project
create Creates directory structure
help Help about any command
init Initializes the project
mod Creates modules file
update Updates Go version
vendor Creates vendor using modules
version Print the version number of gpm
-h, --help help for gpm
Use "gpm [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Make sure to initialize project with gpm to use any command.
$ gpm init
# Initializing gpm...
gpm: Initialized
This commands creates a boilerplate project structure.
$ gpm create
# Setting up project structure...
gpm: Creating cmd directory
gpm: Creating internal directory
gpm: Creating pkg directory
gpm: Creating scripts directory
gpm: Creating api directory
gpm: Creating test directory
gpm: Adding empty main.go
gpm: Create successful
This command builds project using vendor or modules as specified and also takes care of whether the project is inside or outside GOPATH.
- To build using modules
$ gpm build -m
- To build using vendor
$ gpm build -v
This commands updates Go version to specified version. If version not specified, uses default 1.12.5.
$ gpm update -v=1.12.1
# Updating Go version...
gpm: Uninstalling previous version
gpm: Download go1.12.5.darwin-amd64.tar.gz binary
gpm: Extracting Go archive
gpm: Go updated successfuly
This commands help to create vendor using modules.
$ gpm vendor
# Creating vendor...
gpm: using modules to build vendor
gpm: Vendor created
This commands help to create a module file support. It takes care of whether the project is inside or outside GOPATH.
$ gpm mod
# Creating modules file...
gpm: Enter module name:
go: creating new go.mod: module