PracticeJob API for WebApp and MobileApp built with .NET Core 3.1
"PracticeJob" is an application which allows students to search for a suitable internship placement. It also allows companies to search for students for internships based on their studies, notes. It includes features such as: premium packages for companies, messaging system, ad boost, among other things.
I personally recommend to use IDE like VS Code or VS Studio for running/debugging/building this API.
In order to use the API properly u need to change DB Settings and Stripe Keys on "appsettings.json" [ConnectionStrings]
Also once you change your settings you should run "Update-Database" on Package Manager Console in order to get all db data.
👤 Jesús Téllez (Yisus)
- Website:
- Twitter: @YisusTM_01
- Github: @YisusOnDev
Copyright © 2022 Jesús Téllez (Yisus).