Rewrites OSC Cue's from Hog to Qlab
Install node js: Download Page NodeJS
Browse to extracted OSC-Rewrite folder and first run:
Adjust setting in settings.json
incomingHogPort: Incoming OSC port from the hog. Default is most times 7002
outgoingQlabPort: Outgoing port to Qlab, default is 53000
qlabIp: IP adress of the Qlab server, if the server is this computer use localhost
listenToHogList: List to listen on of the Hog.
touchOscHost: All OSC data is relayed to this ip, for use with touchOSC Remote
touchOscPort: And port number for above IP.
Run server
- Some cues in the Hog shows 32.6 but trough OSC it sends 32.59998. So the cue number is rounded to 3 decimals places.