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Installation tips

Yue Pan edited this page Sep 24, 2021 · 1 revision
  1. the version of eigen3 should be larger than 3.3.1 for supporting TEASER++
  2. the PMC library does not support on computer whose cores are larger than 12. Because when the number of threads exceeds 12, the PMC library will have the bug of pointer out of bounds. To avoid this bug, "OMP_NUM_THREADS=12" can be added before commands to be executed. For example: "OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 sh script/"
  3. the PCL library(>=1.8) is Incompatible with Ubuntu 16.04. The function for "the segmentation of point clouds" would result in bugs and print "Segmentation fault (Core down)" information. For researchers using Ubuntu16.04, the PCL 1.7.2 and VTK-6.2.0 are the recommended choice.

Thanks Zikang for providing the aforementioned tips.

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