This is the repository for SplitNet paper.
$ cd caffe
$ "Adjust Makefile.config"
$ make -j
The caffe contained in this repository is modified from caffe-1.0, including
- CornerCropLayer, for "image50" and "image56" setting
- LocalLayer, for "SplitNet-conv52" setting
- linear lr_policy
- extract_txt tool, for saving features to txt file
There are 5 file in each setting dir:
- train_test.prototxt: The network definition for training. You need modify /path/to/your/traininglmdb and /path/to/your/testinglmdb before using.
- solver.prototxt: The solver definition for training.
- extract.prototxt: The prototxt for extracting feature. You need modify /path/to/your/evaluationlmdb before using.
- The script for training models.
- The script for extracting features.
You can train by simply running
$ cd basic (or basic2x or image50 or image56 or SplitNet-conv22 or SplitNet-conv52)
$ ./
Once the training is completed, you can generate features by simply running
$ cd basic (or basic2x or image50 or image56 or SplitNet-conv22 or SplitNet-conv52)
$ ./