Zacharia Schmitz
3 October 2023
Heatmap of Robberies in Cluster 4 (Inglewood area)
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From the City of Los Angeles website about the data:
This dataset reflects incidents of crime in the City of Los Angeles from 2010 - 2019.
This data is transcribed from original crime reports that are typed on paper and therefore there may be some inaccuracies within the data.
Some location fields with missing data are noted as (0°, 0°). Address fields are only provided to the nearest hundred block in order to maintain privacy.
This data is as accurate as the data in the LA database.
Initially: Explore high areas of gun violence in the Los Angeles area and what to do to protect yourself
Upon further evaluation: After it was identified in clustering, explore drivers of the high (almost double) robbery rate in the Inglewood area. Identify features and develop a model to encourage public safety and prevent crime.
I initially started with 2 datasets from the city of Los Angeles.
After combing, there was close to 3 million rows (2,943,476).
Each row was a unique incidence of crime in the Los Angeles area.
There was 29 different features about each crime. This only included the initial report, and not the final closed case details.
The target variable was a column created from the crime description, 'is_robbery'.
The comparison was ultimately Cluster 4 (Inglewood Area) versus all of the other areas.
Time of day is probably a large driver of robberies. Most likely more at night.
There are probably not very many robberies during the day.
Gender and age is most likely a driver of robberies. Most likely people preying on females and the very young and old.
Most robberies are most likely occuring at gunpoint, or assumed to be gunpoint.
- 2010 to 2019 Data (crime_data_2010_2019).csv
- 2020 to 25 Sep 23 (crime_data_2020_2023).csv
Both dataframes shared the same features, and were merged together.
- Merged CSV Format (crime_data.csv)
Column | Definition |
is_robbery | Feature engineered from taking robbery and attempted robbery from crime description |
is_street | Feature engineered from taking if the robbery occured on the street from premise description |
victim_sex | Encoded column for the victim's sex. F = Female, M = Male, X = Non-Binary |
victim_descent | The victim's ethnicity |
- Rename columns to make sense for exploration.
- Based on what we're looking for, we'll start with only looking at some of the features.
- Change time occurred to 4 digit 24 hour time. We won't move it to index for now, because we may not be doing any time series
- Looks like we have negative values in the victim_age. We will have to drop those, since no fair assumptions can be made.
- We'll map the victim_descent based on abbreviations and assign nulls 'unknown' for exploration before potentially dropping nulls.
- We'll have to map victim_sex. We can assume F = Female, M = Male, X = Non binary. Due to large amount of other values, we will make them 'unknown' rather than imputing any assumptions.
- Very small amount of nulls in premise_description (0.00023). We'll assign them 'unknown'.
- 66% Nulls in weapon_description, we'll fill them with 'No Weapon'.
- Make a weapon bin out of all of the weapon_descriptions. No Weapon, Firearm, Melee Object, Threats, Vehicle, Other
- Take the date of reporting, subtract the crime_occurred.
- Part 1 is for heinous crimes & 2 is for less heinous.
- A total of 3321 values of 0 in both lat/long. We'll sort by the area name, and forward fill so they stay in the correct area.
- Due to scope of data and time for project, we will only focus on firearm related crimes.
- We made a column named is_robbery and if the crime was robbery or attempted robbery, we marked it true.
- We binned the time of crime to time of day to morning, afternoon, evening, and night.
- It was identified that crimes that a majority of robberies happened on the street. We'll make a binary column for it name is_street.
Does age affect the rate of robbery in cluster 4?
Does time of day affect robbery rate in cluster 4?
Does the victim's gender affect robbery rate in cluster 4?
Where are you most likely to be robbed in cluster 4?
Is the weapon used in cluster 4 different than the rest of Los Angeles?
Use drivers in explore to build predictive models of different types
Evaluate models on train and validate data
Select the best model based on accuracy
Evaluate the test data
Best Model on Test
Logistic Regression
Baseline: 53%
Test Set: 60%
- pip install folium
- pip install yellowbrick
Clone this repo.
Acquire data by:
- Source the two LA Crime Data files through the links
- Download my combined CSV (750MB) of crime data from LA here
Save CSVs in same folder as Jupyter Notebook with the correct naming convention
Run the notebook
- Do the required pip installs as they come up
1. Does age affect the rate of robbery in cluster 4?
- Age does affect the rate of robbert in cluster 4.
2. Does time of day affect robbery rate in cluster 4?
- People are much more likely to be robbed in the evening.
3. Does the victim's gender affect robbery rate in cluster 4?
- Gender did not strongly affect the robbery rate.
4. Where are you most likely to be robbed in cluster 4?
- Most outside areas are very likely to be robbed. Number one being on the street/sidewalk.
5. Is the weapon used in cluster 4 different than the rest of Los Angeles?
- We found the weapon used, is not different in cluster 4, compared to the rest of LA.
With only 3 identified features, I developed a model with 60% accuracy that outperformed the baseline accuracy of 53%.
The best model between SVC, KNN, LR and DTC was LogisticRegression witha train set accuracy of 58%, validation set accuracy of 62%, and a test set accuracy of 60%.
C=10, max_iter=1000, penalty="l1", solver="saga", random_state=321
Given that this model performed 5% better than baseline on our test set, we would expect it to also perform well on unseen data
Continue to run feature engineering and potentially test other models with other hyperparameters
Possibly create models for the other identified clusters
Potentially include some form of time series analysis to obtain trends
- Stay out of Inglewood at night
When dealing with crime rates and stereotypes, model performance is extremely important. Making policing assumptions from a model 7 points better than baseline would not be appropriate.
Given more time and access suspect information could drastically improve the model.
Also with more access, the closed case details could cut down on incorrect, and most importantly biased initial reporting.
Combine with weather data for more insights
Combine with poverty data for more insights
Combine with house values for more insights