- To predict the quality of wine while incorporating unsupervised learning techniques.
- We've been tasked to find drivers of wine quality for the California Wine Institute.
- We've been given 2 datasets, one for red wine and one for white wine and are variants of the Portuguese "Vinho Verde" wine.
- Higher amounts of Alcohol present determines the quality
- Volatile acidity content in the wine will affect the quality
- Chlorides content in the wine will affect the quality
- Density has an affect on quality
- Acquire the data from Data.World as CSVs
- You will need to use the winequality_red.csv and winequality_white.csv
- Combined red (1599 Rows / 12 columns) and white (4898 Rows / 12 columns) csv's into one dataframe into a variable.
- Shape after Merge: 6497 Rows, 12 Columns
- Null Check: No Null Values
- Created is_red column for feature engineering in modeling
- We narrowed the dataframe to 6 Columns to work with
- Quality, Chlorides, Volatile Acidity, Density, Alcohol, Is_red
How does volatile_acidity effect quality?
How does chlorides content effect quality?
How does density effect quality?
How does alcohol content effect quality?
- Use drivers in explore to build predictive models of different types
- Evaluate models on train and validate data
- Select the best model based on accuracy
- Evaluate the test data
Feature | Dtypes | Definition |
Volatile Acidity | float | Acidity measured in grams per liter |
Chlorides | float | Chlorides in mg per liter |
Density | float | Measured in grams per liter |
Alcohol | float | Alcohol by volume |
Quality | int | Quality is a target variable in the dataset, indicating the overall quality or rating of the wine |
Is red | int | 1 = red / 0 = white binary |
- Clone this repo (both the CSVs)
- Save both csv's into local folder
- Run notebook
- RandomForest was the best at very surface level tuning
- It became overfit with more hyperparameters
- Even with only 5 features, it performed very well
- Ended up using volatile acidity, chlorides, density, alcohol, is_red to predict quality in wines.
- After running 594 Models with various iterations and scalers we determined that the best model was:
- Total of 3 Clusters
- Scaled with StandardScaler
- Hyperparameters:
- n_estimators = 300
- max_depth = 6
- min_samples_split = 10
- min_samples_leaf = 1
- Random Forest Classifier output train accuracy of .601 and validate accuracy of .556
- Test Data Ran through the model returned a test accuracy of .562
- Recommend running the models to predict quality by keeping the color types of wine split.
- This could enable for a more fine tuned model in determining quality.