1.0.0 (2023-06-18)
🍕 Features
- add background task handler (7f9d965)
- add logo to serial console (169f136)
- add removeRelay (aa6b9fd)
- begin adding config (247ad1b)
- begin adding support for HASSIO (f4a4006)
- begin integrating background task manager (611c732)
- i2c relay support (c4b1cbb)
- impl addRelay to api (4e2c73f)
- overhaul config and tasks (ff72244)
- setup refactoring, ci, and inis (bad1ce1)
- still working (59022bf)
- update to newest network manager (2539854)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- add mqtt client visitor (008b079)
- add removeRelay to api (15feaf4)
- add start state to relays (edd2801)
- add timer to accumulatedata (e90dffb)
- begin refactoring code-base (584bfaa)
- begin simplifying and refactoring (de9b670)
- begin to refactor mqtt stack (0bd8ff9)
- bug in sensor serializer formatter (26774af)
- cleanup project structure (f25b43a)
- compile error (59a20ac)
- compile error (c57898d)
- compile errors (7fdde7b)
- compile time bug (92ab0e8)
- continue fixing sensors (ef98748)
- continue making edits (f0f1323)
- continue refactoring code-base (dcb3d75)
- continue refactoring code-base (2bdc1b8)
- continue working on mqtt stack (c42d9c4)
- enable mqtt loop (9418456)
- fix api command handlers (3327887)
- fix api command handlers (0a0f806)
- fix mqtt (5c51c21)
- fixing compile time errors due to refactor (365d2ff)
- github ignore case (3996e54)
- humidity json formatter (df3ce56)
- implement ntp into visitor pattern (ec15a6d)
- implement ntp into visitor pattern (01f636b)
- json formatting for humidity sensor (ee893ac)
- migrate old files (7cdb34a)
- migrate to visitor pattern (1bd1bc6)
- mqtt class (c1f8194)
- mqtt handler (57f2336)
- network lib dependancy (a863db5)
- refactor HASwitch's (0803795)
- runtime crashing issue (0dbeb00)
- simplify mqtt (6a90967)
- update ntp class to cpp string (77c10c3)
📝 Documentation
- setting up uml diagram (46fae88)
🧑💻 Code Refactoring
- add logging (8f193a4)
- begin to factor our defines (e641e0a)
- change mqtt client (0b52b79)
- change mqtt client (0314646)
- cleaning up project (556b131)
- cleaning up some code (32f7f78)
- cleanup humidity serializer (fa12f1f)
- continue refactoring codebase (c19cdaa)
- format (7c9d0c4)
- minor refactoring (27dc688)
- move file structure (9686433)
- refactor config (78f0d6e)
- remove networkState function (e657dba)
- rename project directory (be83203)
- switch to specialization for sensor serializer (868c7b8)
- updating tasks (bdacfae)
- working on cleaning up code (519cc1a)