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Install Instructions

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Alternate guides: installation here or command list here

You need the following in this order:

  • Place Jak1Twitch.exe and the EXAMPLE.env file you downloaded inside of the versions folder: open launcher > Settings > Versions > folder icon > [version]) with gk.exe and goalc.exe. Then rename EXAMPLE.env to .env (make sure to save as ALL FILE TYPES - If you do not change this it will save it as .env.txt and not work).
  • Extract your Jak TPL iso by dragging it into extractor.exe, then close the game if it opens automatically.
  • Modify the contents of .env by opening J1T_GUI (generate ouath token here) and save.
  • Open Jak1Twitch.exe and it should automatically open gk and goalc and connect to Twitch. Now you are good to go!


Controlling Jak

Right now there is NO way to directly move Jak (e.g. as if using the left stick), instead you'll need to punch and turn to move around. These don't currently work while the game is paused.

  • #press x triangle circle up down left right l1 r1 Pushes the corresponding button on the controller.
  • #turn-left #turn-right Turns Jak 45 degrees
  • #cam-left #cam-right Turns the camera slightly
  • #cam-in Pushes the camera slightly in
  • #cam-out Pulls the camera slightly out

Altering Gameplay

  • #rjto amount Sets rolljump distance.
    • Examples #rjto 50 #rjto -10
  • #superjump Gives Jak super high jumps.
  • nojumps Removes Jak’s ability to jump.
  • noduck Removes Jak's ability to duck, and consequently rolljump.
  • #superboosted Gives Jak super far boosteds.
  • #noboosteds Makes boosteds impossible.
  • #fastjak Sets Jak’s movement speeds very high.
  • #slowjak Reduces rolljumps and sets Jak’s movement speeds very low.
  • #slippery Makes the terrain slippery like ice.
  • pinball Makes Jak go crazy, bouncing all over the place.
  • #pacifist Removes most of Jak’s attack options.
  • #trip Trips Jak.
  • #shortfall Sets the fall damage distance very low.
  • #ghostjak Gets rid of Jak’s collision for a few seconds and causes him to fall through terrain.
  • #rocketman Propels Jak into the air like a rocket.
  • #getoff Boots Jak off the Zoomer and Flut Flut, as well as some minigames.
  • #unzoom Exits the goggles if Jak is using them.
  • #flutspeed amount Sets Flut Flut’s running speed.
    • Examples #flutspeed 0 #flutspeed -70 #flutspeed 20
  • #freecam Puts the player into freecam for a few seconds.


  • #dax Removes Daxter.
  • #smalljak Makes Jak small.
  • #bigjak Makes Jak big.
  • #widejak Makes Jak wide.
  • #flatjak Makes Jak flat.
  • #bighead Makes Jak’s head big. (Cheat)
  • #smallhead Makes Jak’s head small. (Cheat)
  • #bigfist Makes Jak’s fists big. (Cheat)
  • #hugehead Makes Jak’s head huge. (Cheat)
  • #bigheadnpc Makes all NPCs’ heads big. (Cheat)
  • #scale x y z Changes the scale of Jak based on axes. Goes away after a respawn.
  • #color r g b Changes Jak’s color based on RGB values. Goes away after a respawn.

Collectables & Powerups

  • #minuscell Removes power cells from the player’s inventory.
  • #pluscell Adds power cells to the player’s inventory.
  • #minusorbs Removes precursor orbs from the player’s inventory.
  • #plusorbs Adds precursor orbs to the player’s inventory.
  • #give type amount Gives the player the specified 'amount' of cells or orbs. Use negative amount to take away cells or orbs.
    • Examples #give cell 1 #give orbs 120 #give money -200
  • #collected type amount Sets the cell or orb count to a specified value.
    • Examples #collected fuel 20 #collected cells 0 #collected orbs 99999
  • #eco type Gives Jak a full meter of a specified eco type.
    • type should be the eco color: red blue yellow or green
    • Examples #eco blue #eco yellow #eco green
  • #sucksuck amount Sets the distance of the blue eco pull power.
    • Examples #sucksuck 0 #sucksuck 100 #sucksuck 12
  • #noeco Removes Jak’s ability to use eco powerups.
  • #invuln Makes Jak invulnerable to most things, until a respawn.
  • #nuka Activates “nuka glitch.” Enemies will ignore Jak, and he cannot interact with anything. Goes away after a respawn, bonk, or damage.
  • #spiderman Allows Jak to climb on walls like Spider-Man (infinite jumps everywhere).
  • #rapidfire Makes the fire rate for yellow eco really fast.


  • #die Resets Jak to the current checkpoint, as if he died.
  • #topoint checkpoint-name Warps Jak to a specified checkpoint. You can either use the internal name of a checkpoint or use a level’s nickname (it will teleport to a random checkpoint in that level).
    • Examples #topoint game-start #topoint jungle-tower #topoint snow-fort
  • #randompoint Warps Jak to a random checkpoint that isn’t after Volcanic Crater (by default).
  • #tp x y z Warps Jak to a specified coordinate point. Disabled by default.
    • X and Z control horizontal position, Y controls vertical position.
    • Examples #tp 0 0 0 #tp -32 48 173 #tp 901 -13 -1228
  • #shift x y z Warps Jak to a specified coordinate point relative to his current position, in meters.
    • Examples #shift 0 -10 0 #shift 10 10 10 #shift 100 0 100
  • #movetojak actor-name Warps a specified actor to Jak’s position. You will need the proper name of the actor (e.g. farmer-3 not just farmer). An actor must be loaded in to be moved. Be careful of crashes.
    • Examples #movetojak farmer-3 #movetojak money-657 #movetojak bird-lady-4


  • #ouch Simply damages Jak.
  • #burn Burns Jak.
  • #hp amount Sets Jak’s health to a specified amount. If set to 0, he won’t die until he gets hit or bonks.
    • Examples #hp 1 #hp 4 #hp 500
  • #melt Melts Jak, as if he fell into lava.
  • #drown Drowns Jak.
  • #endlessfall Kills Jak, as if he fell into an abyss.
  • #iframes amount Sets the duration, in seconds, of the invulnerability state after Jak takes damage. Default is 3.
    • Examples #iframes 0 #iframes 30 #iframes 3


  • #deload Deloads the current level.
  • #mirror Mirrors the world. (Cheat)
  • #notex Removes all textures. (Cheat)
  • #lowpoly Sets the level of detail to low.
  • #dark Sets the current level’s mood to very dark.
  • #grav mode Sets the gravity to low or high.
  • #timeofday time Sets the time of day, based on a 24-hour cycle.
    • Examples #timeofday 12 #timeofday 4 #timeofday 23
  • #noactors Removes all actors (enemies, crates, and other interactable aspects).
  • #resetactors Resets all actors to their default states.


  • #protect Protects the player by disabling all commands for a certain amount of time.
  • #cam mode Changes the camera to a specified mode. Available modes are: endlessfall, eye, standoff, bike, and stick.
  • #invertcam pov axis Inverts the current camera setting of a specified point of view and axis. pov = first (goggles and freecam) or third, and axis = h or v, refering to horizontal and vertical.
    • Examples #invertcam third h #invertcam first v #invertcam first h
  • #stickycam Freezes the camera in place and disables zooming for a few seconds.
  • #quickcam Puts the player into freecam and immediately back out (stores levels).
  • #blind seconds Blackens the screen for a specified amount of time.
  • #sfx name Plays a sound effect.
    • Examples #sfx shark #sfx explode #sfx fall
  • #press button Inputs a button press. Currently, available buttons are: square, circle, x, triangle, up, down, left, and right.
  • #lang language Changes the voice lines to a specified language. Available languages are: english, french, german, italian, spanish, japanese, and uk-english.
  • #smallnet Makes the fishing net width very small.
  • #widefish Makes the fishing river width unfairly large.
  • #maxfish amount Sets the amount of pounds of fish needed to win the minigame. Examples #maxfish 50 #maxfish 150 #maxfish 1
  • #hardfish Sets the fish difficulty to the hidden hard mode.
  • #customfish difficulty phase field value Allows for a custom change to the fish minigame.
    • The minigame has 6 difficulties: 0-4 are the handicap tiers, and 5 is hard fish. The minigame starts on 0 and increases by one each time a handicap is applied. Each difficulty has 7 phases (eels are 6). Available fields are: timeout, vel, swing-min, swing-max, period, fish-vel, bad-percent, and powerup-percent. Use 0.0-1.0 for percent fields.
    • Examples #customfish 0 2 fish-vel 5 #customfish 0 6 fish-vel 10 #customfish 0 4 swing-min 7 #customfish 5 6 bad-percent 0.85 #customfish 0 3 period 0.1 #customfish 5 7 powerup-percent 1.0
  • #moveplantboss Moves the plant boss to a corner in the temple and eats Jak. Doesn't work outside of the temple.
  • #moveplantboss2 Moves the plant boss to a corner in the temple without eating Jak. Doesn't work outside of the temple.
  • #basincell Swaps the spot of the jump cell in Precursor Basin.

Admin / Mod

  • #enable command Enables a command for use.
    • Example #enable give
  • #disable command Disables a command for use.
    • Example #disable slowjak
  • #cd command seconds Sets the cooldown for a command.
    • Example #cd die 600
  • #dur command seconds Sets the duration of a command.
    • Example #dur dark 20
  • #resetcds Resets the cooldowns of all commands.
  • #fixoldsave Fixes the “Old Save Game” bug, if it happens.
  • #start Allow commands to come through.
  • #stop Stop allowing commands to come through.
  • #active See all active commands in chat.
  • #finalboss A special mode to make final boss easier. Doubles the cooldowns of harmful commands and disables some others.
  • #targetmode Toggles Target Mode. Users will need to put the name of the player (or all) at the end of a command to target them. Useful for when there's multiple players.
  • #costmode Toggles Cost Mode. Commands cost credits, and users start with 1000 and gain 5 every 30 seconds.