A resource for interacting with stash PRs, useful as a CHECK resource to trigger pipelines when PRs are opened or modified.
- username - Username to authenticate against Stash.
- password - Password to authenticate against Stash.
- stash_url - The stash root URL without protocol (such as stash.company.com).
- days_back - If non-zero, only include PRs that have commits more recent than this value. If zero, no limit.
- project_name - The project key (not friendly name) of the stash project.
- repo_name - The name of the repository.
- pronly - Only consider PRs instead of all changes to branches. Accepts boolean only.
- branches - (Optional) Branches to include (source of PR, not destination). Accepts regex.
- ignore_branches - (Optional) Branches to ignore (source of PR, not destination). Accepts regex.
- paths - (Optional) the filepaths within the repo to include.
- private_key - Used for stash authentication.
- repo - The URL of the destination repo (ending in .git)
- name: pr-resource
type: stash-pr
days_back: 0
password: weakpassword1234
private_key: |-
<more text>
project_name: my_project
pronly: true
repo: ssh://[email protected]/my_project/my_repo.git
repo_name: my_repo
stash_url: stash.company.com
username: joe.user
Note that the tests are run as part of the Docker build, and the build will fail if any tests fail.
docker build -t stash-pr-resource .
## Running CHECK:
## At stdin prompt enter something like:
## Running IN:
/opt/resource/in /tmp/project_directory
## At stdin prompt enter something like:
{"version":{"changed_branch":"branch1","ref":"SHA of branch1","the_branches":"branch2::SHA of branch2,branch1::SHA of branch1"},"source":{"repo":"ssh://stash.company.com/my_project/my_repo","private_key":"|-\n-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEowIBAAKCAQEAtCS10/f7W7lkQaSgD/mVeaSOvSF9ql4hf/zfMwfVGgHWjj+W\n<more text>\nDWiJL+OFeg9kawcUL6hQ8JeXPhlImG6RTUffma9+iGQyyBMCGd1l\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"}}
Push changes to github and create a PR. Currently you'll need to build and push to your local registry until supported in the public Docker registry.