Repository for lab of general physics.
Author: Zweig Wong. [email protected]
Trained under the eight-year program of clinical medicine in Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou
Supported and taught by Luyoutang, School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University.
- A0.4 Damped vibration
- A1 Measurement of basic physical quantities
- A2 Liquid surface tension coefficient
- A3 Giant magnetoresistance
- A4 Temperature sensor
- A5 Oscilloscope
- A7 Michelson interference
- A9 Transmission grating
- A11 Basic parameters of lens
- A12 Dual-lens optical system
- B4 Bohr vibration
- B5 RLC
- OP-1 Simulation of real lens imaging
- OP-2 Young's double-slit experiment
- C2 Franck Hertz experiment
- B9 Michelson interference II
- B13 Ultrasonic grating
- C3.1 Atomic emission spectra
- C3.3 Absorption spectra
- B10 Fraunhofer single-slit diffraction
- B11 Circular aperture diffraction
- B6 AC bridge
- B2 Thermal conductivity
- B12 Temperature measuring and controlling instrument
- B1 Photoelectric effect
- C1 Millikan's oil-drop experiment
- C10 Maximum likelihood estimation
- C6 Fiber optics
- C9 Chaotic circuit
- C8 Heat conduction
- C7 SLM